| Sep 01, 2005

Feature Article - September 1, 2005

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Feature Article

September 1, 2005

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LOLTA to award marketing visionaries

by Jeff Green

Do you run or do you know of a business that has made great strides in recent years to improve itself and play a larger role in the community?

The Land O’Lakes Tourist Association is inviting members of the public and business people to participate in the selection of nominees for its inaugural Marketing Vision Awards.

“We are celebrating those businesses that have taken steps in recent years to increase sales and job opportunities; who have been innovative and expanded their businesses, and have brought new concepts to the marketplace,” says LOLTA Executive Director Terry Shea.


It’s simple to nominate a business, requiring only a 30 –50 word explanation of why the business deserves recognition. Nomination forms will be available in the Frontenac News next week as well as at www.lol.on.ca.

One finalist will be chosen from each of the townships within the Land O’Lakes Tourist Association region, which includes South, Central, and North Frontenac, Addington Highlands, Stone Mills and Loyalist townships, as well as Greater Napanee and the Municipality of Tweed.

Nominees need only be located within the boundaries of the Land O’Lakes, they need not be LOLTA members.

Each finalist will receive a commemorative hand-carved award by Rodger MacMunn, approximately 18” x 18” in diameter at an awards dinner on September 29 at Camden Braes Golf Club in Camden East. Guests will include MPP Leona Dombrowsky and a second keynote speaker. Tickets to the dinner, which will be a harvest dinner, will be available by calling 1-888-840-4445.

At the dinner, an overall winner will be announced, and that business will receive a larger hand-carved award.

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