Jeff Green | Aug 25, 2005
Feature Article - August 25

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Feature Article
August 25, 2005. | Navigate | .
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Letters to the Editor
When our word was our bond
Do you remember a time when our word was our bond? We gave it and it was acceptable. Later, letters of reference became part of our bond, usually provided when applying for a job. Later still, SIN numbers were introduced and the first stirring of discontent with the system. Well, today we have jumped to the next level - finger printing, the new norm.
I recently applied for a job and will only get it if I agree to be finger printed. My word was not requested, nor letters of reference. Even the SIN number was forgotten. All I was requested to provide were my finger prints.
Finger prints! How could such a thing be happening to me? Finger printing is just for "bad guys". I’ve led a life of being "good", as my parents and grandparents asked me to do. Besides, what will the finger prints tell them about me, there’s nothing there? So, why?
In trying to rationalize the situation I admitted that I would find it acceptable to give an image of my retina - but not my finger prints. Both can tell who I am. Why the difference? Only that to me the former has a negative connotation and the latter not so, at least not yet. Yet I reject one and accept the other. Why?
It is with this question that I began to find an acceptable answer and some comfort.
I must come to grips with the fact that finger printing is becoming the latest form of identification. Starting with my finger prints information can be added about me. I must get used to the fact that it is replacing my word, my letters of reference and, yes, even my SIN number. It cannot matter that finger printing had a negative connotation. It is taking on the cloak of respectability - starting now.
We here in the country live our lives somewhat isolated from the bigger world outside. We often scoff at those who live in big cities. They have their values and we have ours. Still, they try to impose their values on ours. In defense, we tell each other that the world is changing and that we must adapt.
I continue to believe that for all the so-called advancements we have a thing or two that we can teach the rest of the world. Challenging this latest advancement may be beyond our scope at the moment. But we have always known something the world has forgotten - how to live well, the value of true friends, the strength of community, the nearness of help in times of need - and someone’s word.
-Doug MacIntyre
Dangerous Road
As I write this letter, I feel the hurt and anger with regards to an accident I saw on August 19, 2005 at Donaldson's Road and Road 509. This is one of the many accidents which have happened at this curve. Unfortunately last year on July 1, 2004, I was an accident victim at this very curve and I ended up in the swamp. Only for the kindness of Maurice Boehler, God knows how long I would have been there. The road is slippery and rutty even when not wet as the surface is just like wet oil. Surely the road Superintendent could do something about this dangerous hazard. Perhaps the posting of signs indicating a curve and slippery when wet, reduction of speed and new posts installed along the side would be better than what we have now. I would not allow the current circumstances to cause any negative opinions of the Township, but someone has to act soon before a life is lost.
-Jen Robertson
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