Jeff Green | Aug 25, 2005
Feature Article - August 25

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August 25, 2005. | Navigate | .
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Ompah dump to become waste transfer station
North Frontenac Council, August 18, 2005
by Jule Koch Brison
Pending receipt of a certificate of approval from the Ministry of the Environment, the Ompah dump will become a waste transfer station on a trial basis sometime after it closes next month.
This option had been considered and previously rejected by the Waste Management Committee, chiefly because of worries that garbage would be dumped illegally. The Ompah site was a full service site, but the transfer station would be for household waste only. The committee did not feel that residents would make a second trip to another waste site to dispose of goods such as refrigerators, stoves or tires.
Councillor Bud Clayton, Chair of the Waste Management Committee, stressed that the very first time any illegal dumping takes place, the transfer station would be closed immediately.
Nevertheless, the committee recommended to council that the waste transfer site be set up at the Ompah dump on a trial basis. Councillor Fred Perry asked that council review the costs after one year. The recommendation was accepted and a motion to that effect was passed.
Clayton was asked how long it would take to obtain the certificate of approval from the MoE, but he could not give a definite answer, only saying that it was “in progress”.
Council will proceed with the closing of the Ompah dump after Labour Day and then set up the site when the certificate is received.
A waste attendant would still be present at the site and the hours of operation would be kept the same as the present dump hours.
- ICE WATER RESCUE: Fire Chief Bill Young of Oso District, Central Frontenac, visited council to advise about setting up an Ice Water Rescue Unit of the Ompah Fire Department. When the Ompah Snowmobile Club dissolved, they donated $36,000 to the Ompah Fire department, which proposes to use the money to purchase a rescue boat, ATV, and ice water rescue equipment. The Fire Department will cover an extra $4,772 needed for the purchases.
Bill Young said that it was an unfortunate accident eight years ago that prompted his crew to get into ice water rescue. They fundraised and went ahead and bought the equipment, and have used it about half a dozen times since. The rescue boat is also used in the summer for boating accidents.
Bill Young offered to help with the training of the Ompah crew, and offer that was really appreciated by council. The training takes several days, with sessions for summer and winter conditions.
The Oso Fire department has two boats specifically made for ice water rescue; one is an inflatable Fortuna raft that costs about $5500. The Ompah Fire Department would not need to build storage for it.
Councillor Hunter asked Bill Young how he chooses who goes out in difficult and dangerous conditions. He said he puts it out on the floor and whoever wants to come, does. He said that the ice water wet suits really make one feel comfortable, and as one gets to trust the suits, their confidence levels go up.
Council agreed to go ahead with setting up the Ice Water Rescue Unit, and the sooner the better, as lives might be saved.
Lennox and Addington Rep Steve Roberts made a presentation to Council about the posting of signs for County Trails as part of a fitness trail initiative by L&A County Council. Roberts visited Central Frontenac Council on Aug. 8 with the same request, and it was well received.
The County Trails are not ATV trails, and in response to councillors’ concerns, Roberts said that there was no expectation of paved shoulders, as many of the already signed County Trails do not have paved shoulders. He said it would be indicated on the maps that there were narrow or no shoulders available. Clerk Brenda deFosse was concerned that many shoulders in North Frontenac are vegetated, and Deputy Mayor Gleva Lemke asked if there were any liability concerns. Roberts replied that the trails do not promote any uses of the highway, such as cycling and walking, that aren’t already legal, so there are no liability issues.
Councillor Betty Hunter brought up a concern that the “County” signs might be confusing to ATV drivers. ATVs are allowed on North Frontenac Township roads, but not on county roads, and some roads, such as the Buckshot Lake Road, are part county and part township. Roberts said that perhaps this information could be incorporated into the literature.
Councillor Hunter also asked if “places to eat” etc. would be placed on the map, but Roberts said that while they had considered seeking private sponsorship, they had not done that. The Land o’ Lakes Tourist Association is listed on the maps as the contact for tourist information.
L & A County will provide the signs and reimburse the township for the labour and installation costs.
Council agreed enthusiastically to the proposal.
- POLICY ON SELLING CONCESSIONS: A request by Len Connelly and Cathy McCann to purchase a concession road allowance leading to water has been denied. Councillor Will Cybulski wrote that it is township policy not to sell concessions leading to water. This was questioned by Councillor Clayton, and Councillor Perry said there should be a bylaw. Township staff will research the issue and see whether a bylaw can be passed.
- ROADS MAINTENANCE: Council discussed several complaints about road conditions: A petition with 36 signatures was received requesting immediate maintenance of Mountain Road from Schooner turn to Mackie Lake; emails were also received about Mosque Lake and Arcol Roads. Councillors agreed that the roads are bad and will consult with the Public Works Manager about the schedule for road maintenance. It was also agreed that the dry weather is partly responsible for the problem
Mayor Maguire said the township would consider paving Arcol Road next year. Councillor Cybulski asked, “Why pave, if calcium could do the trick?” Maguire replied, “Considering is not the same as approving”.
- NO SWIMMING? A request from the OPP to change the sign at the Mississippi bridge from “No Diving” to “No Swimming” was denied. The request was made because when an officer spoke to some kids about diving off the bridge, they said they were just swimming. Councillor Cybulski argued that unless there were a bylaw about the swimming – or diving, for that matter, any signs would be unenforceable.
- RECYCLING HAULER: Council will be putting put out a request for proposal for a recycling hauler. Manco, the present contractor, has not been showing up to haul recycling bins away as they have been filling up. This has resulted in piles of recyclables accumulating on the ground at the dump sites. The sites are in the process of being cleaned up by Frazer Haulage of Tweed with the assistance of township staff, but Council agreed Manco should be put on notice about their performance.
A further irritant came last month when Manco informed the township that there is a 5% gas cost surcharge being added to the haulage charge for each load of recycling they haul.
- FIRE BANS: There have been problems with people not respecting the fire bans. First warning letters have been sent out. The ban applies to everyone, including campers.
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