| Aug 11, 2005

Letters to the editor, August 11, 2005

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Letters To the Editor August 11, 2005

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Letters to the Editor

Re: Sunday Hunting

I’m reading the letter to the editor in the week of July 28, 2005, on the verse quoted from the Bible. It doesn’t say that Sunday is the Sabbath day. For a lot of people who take Saturday or any day that you wish. When people go fishing, shopping, four wheeling, that isn’t resting either. I don’t think hunting should be put down, because it’s a sport too, that many people would enjoy. There is bow hunting and target practice allowed on Sundays.

- Kathaleen Jackson.

Dedicated Lake Stewards

On behalf of the Big Clear Lake Association, I thank Thelma and Linc Barnett of Big Clear Lake in Arden for decades of dedication to the health of Big Clear.


They were part of the original group of lake stewards and helped collect Secchi disk and lake phosphorus samples for the MOE Lake Partner Program for several years. They also made the switch to non-toxic fishing jigs when the association learned of the potential for lead poisoning in loonsby ingesting lead fishing tackle.

Although they must limit their physical activity now,Linc and Thelma stillenjoy the lake they've helped protect over the years. Thank you again and we'll see you on the water.

- David Praskey Big Clear Lake Steward

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