Jeff Green | Jun 02, 2005
Feature article, May 26, 2005
Feature article May 26, 2005
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Fire Hall Task Force disbandedby Jeff Green
Since early last fall, a task force has been meeting regularly to consider options for a new Fire Hall for Ward 2 - Clarendon and Miller, of North Frontenac.
From early on, the task force seemed to be leaning towards a proposal to build a new Fire Hall at a former Ministry of Natural Resources site on Buckshot Lake Road in Plevna, and attach that building to an existing building on the site.
Council has already acted on the committees recommendations, but has yet to make a final decision on whether to build the Fire Hall this year, next year, or some other time. Asbestos has been removed from the old building on the site, at a cost of $5,000 plus, and the township has circulated a Request For Proposal for an engineering firm to provide plans for the renovation and new construction projects.
One company not only responded to the RFP, but included a proposal for a prefabricated building. Even though this proposal was not included in the RFP, Council thought it might make the project cheaper, so they sent direction back to the task force to consider the prospect of an amended Request For Proposal.
When the minutes from the Task Force came to the last North Frontenac Council meeting on May 26, Council member, and Task Force Chair, Will Cybulski took the highly unusual step of saying he wanted to consider the minutes as part of an in camera session.
When Council came back from the in camera session, they decided to retire the Task Force. They did not decide to re-issue the Request For Proposal for a prefabricated building on the MNR site. Instead they decided to meet with members of the Fire Department and with the Ladies Fire Auxiliary to see what they want to happen.
There has been opposition to the Plevna Fire Hall proposal from a variety of quarters, as has been expressed through presentations to Council, petitions, and at a public meeting with township councillors on May 14.
The financial implications of any proposal will be crucial. Council is in the midst of budgetary considerations, having held several all-day meetings, and another is scheduled for June 9. It is possible Council will complete the project over one year, two years, or they may scrap it all together
Sometime after the June 9 budget meeting, Council is expected to make a final decision on the Fire Hall (see Its decision time in NF)
Fred Perry joins Council - Fred Perry, representing Barrie Ward, attended his first Council meeting. A retired manager with Northern Telecom, first in Toronto and later in Ottawa, Fred Perry has deep roots in the local community, his family having lived in Barrie for three generations. With his wife, he purchased a cottage on Marble Lake 30 years ago, and after he retired in 1992, he began building a permanent home on the lake. When his wife retired in 1997, the home was ready and the Perrys became permanent residents in Barrie once again.
Fred had been active with the United Way, and with CHEO in Ottawa, and has been a Vice President with the Conservationists of Frontenac Addington for several years.
He had considered running for Council during the last election, but when he found out that Dick Hook was running again, he decided the job would be well covered. When the job came open with Hooks resignation due to health reasons a few weeks ago, Fred Perry decided to put his name forward, and he was chosen. Fred said that he hopes to bring his managerial experience to the Council table, and hopes to enhance the accountability of Council.
Community Halls Task Force - The task force on Community Halls made a report to Council. This was expected to be a final report, but the task force has not yet completed its work. Still, some conclusions have been reached and the Task Force has made six recommendations, mainly concerning the way the township and each Community Hall Committee will share responsibility. Recommendation #3 outlines the townships responsibility; The Municipality will be responsible for the hydro, heat, insurance, all outside structural aspects, such as wells, sewers, grass cutting, snow plowing of the community Hall lots.
The Community Hall committees will be responsible for cleaning, telephone, inside furnishings, snow clearing at the walkway and doorways, bookings, collecting revenues and banking with the Municipality.
Further details will be included in the final report.
Grass Cutting tender awarded - Jim Boles was awarded the tender for grass cutting throughout the township. His was the lowest bid at $14,573. 40
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