Jeff Green | Jun 23, 2005
Feature article, June 23, 2005
Feature article June 23, 2005
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Mitchell Creek Bridge: Clear Water, Muddy Issues(other notes from Council)by Wilma Kenny
South Frontenac Council met on short notice this week with Al Robertson, of Fisheries & Oceans Canada to discuss the required navigational clearances of the Mitchell Creek bridge replacement. Robertson confirmed that a clearance envelope of 1.5m vertical by 2m horizontal remained the minimum requirement. He added that normal requirement for a waterway this size was at least 2m vertically above high water with a 6m horizontal clearance, and that an exception had been made after inspecting the creek and considering the environmental concerns expressed by opponents of the structure.
Robertsons department had not asked that the bridge be changed from a single lane structure to a double: he assumed that this had been specified by the engineers for pedestrian and vehicle safety. He said Council has the option of working with Transport Canada to establish boating restrictions concerning speed, etc in the creek.
At the regular Council meeting, Ross Sutherland questioned whether Council could meet bridge construction deadlines (Ministry of Fisheries requires work be completed by October1,) and asked what back-up plans were in place. Although the project can be tendered, no contract can be signed until the environmental assessments are complete, and that process has been slowed by a number of requests for an individual environmental assessment. Several councilors confirmed that if the bridge is not rebuilt before winter, all heavy vehicles, including school busses, emergency vehicles, etc, will have to be rerouted.
Underserviced Area Program of Ministry of Health
Council agreed to support Frontenac Countys request to apply to have the County designated an underserviced area. This may lead to establishing programs to recruit more doctors.
Complaints Procedure
Council moved to adopt a policy requiring all complaints concerning infractions of the Zoning By-law or property standard to be signed and delivered to the Township office. The name of the complainant would not be released to the person who is the object of the complaint, unless required by the courts.
Sydenham Water
The Township water committee has proposed that exemptions be made available to residents for whom the total cost to implement the water system to their property would exceed $25,000. Exempted property owners would still be required to pay the capital costs based on frontage, as well as an annual water rate.
A public meeting concerning the water program will be held at Loughborough Public School, Thursday, June 30, at 7pm. Following this meeting, the committee will make a recommendation to Council for a final decision on exemption criteria.
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