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Feature article, July 7, 2005

Feature article July 7, 2005

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South Frontenac Township Council meeting - July 5

by Wilma Kenny

Mitchell Creek area resident Barbara Heins asked Council what contingency plans they had, if they were unable to get the Mitchell Creek bridge reconstructed before winter. If the existing bridge was unfit for winter use, could it be declared an emergency, in which case the township might be able to return to one of their original options, a Bailey Bridge? Councillors made no response.

Council approved an official plan amendment that recognized the Sydenham Woods Frontenac Associations property on Sydenham Lake as a condominium development. This would make it easier for future buyers of the 12 homes on leased land to obtain mortgages on the houses. No new development is being proposed as part of this process.


Council approved the request by the North Frontenac Arena Expansion Committee to proceed with fundraising, on the understanding that it was not authorizing either tendering or contracting construction of the project. At Committee of the Whole, Councillor Smith had expressed concern that construction not be permitted to begin until Council was assured that adequate funds had been raised.

The Sydenham Water Committee had recommended that the costs of constructing the water line from the property line to the homeowners basement and of well abandonment (up to $1,200) should be part of the expenses eligible for capital construction loans from the township. However, since this work would be done on private property, a separate by-law is needed, which would establish this part of the loan as a collateral mortgage against the property, thus providing a means for the township to recover the loan, if payments are defaulted. There would also be an administration fee of $250 for each loan. This was passed without comment.

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