Jeff Green | Jun 30, 2005
Feature article, July 7, 2005
Feature article July 7, 2005
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Addington Highlands nixes policing contractby Jeff Green
Addington Highlands has been considering their options regarding policing for some time, and this week Council decided it was time to terminate the policing contract that has been in place with the OPP. The OPP will continue to provide policing services to Addington Highlands nonetheless; only from now on they will be using the so-called status quo policing system.
In status quo policing a certain level of service is provided by the OPP, and the township is billed for whatever service is being provided. Under contact policing the level of service is determined by the terms of the contract.
According to figures obtained by township clerk Jack Pauhl, North Frontenac Township (which is of a comparable size to AH) paid approximately $200,000 each year for policing between 2003-2005, while the contract for Addington Highlands this year is estimated at $719,000.
We dont expect any difference in service under status quo policing, said Reeve Ken Hook, and with changes in provincial transfers to municipalities for policing, it looks like policing will be funded more and more through property taxes in the future.
The move by Addington Highlands Council makes it the first jurisdiction in Lennox and Addington County to use status quo policing. Status quo policing has been in place in North and Central Frontenac as well as in Hastings County since policing was downloaded by the province several years ago.
Earlier this year, a task force of North Frontenac Council considered moving from status quo to a policing contract, but concluded that costs would rise.
Chief Building Officers hours increased Wayne Kivell, who took over as Chief Building Officer about six weeks ago, reported to Council that he is unable to catch up on the backlog of building inspection work required of him in the two days he was contracted to work for the township. Council responded by doubling his hours. He will now be working from Monday to Thursday and he will still be spending most of his time on the road, dealing with inspections and his duties as bylaw officer. Wayne Kivell is available in the township office in Flinton on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 8:30 and 10 am, or by appointment.
Letter sent in response to complaint The township has responded to complaints about the state of certain lawns in Cloyne Village. The complaints had proposed that a yard sale bylaw be enacted, but this cannot take place until the township enacts its comprehensive zoning bylaw, which is currently under development. Nonetheless, it was determined that the lawns in question do contravene the existing yard bylaw of the township. A letter has been sent, giving the property owners 14 days to make a clean up, after which the matter will go to the bylaw officer for enforcement.
Fire grant Several months ago the township received a $50,000 grant, which they are free to use as they wish in order to improve the fire service. This week it was decided that $16,500 will go to Denbigh for increased training and unbudgeted equipment, and $33,500 will go to the Northbrook station. Fire Chief Casey Cuddy said that as much money as possible will be spent on training, but that with the work schedules of the volunteer fire fighters, they are not always available to take weekend training courses.
Among the possible equipment purchases are an air bag for safely lifting cars off of people, and a thermal imaging camera, which would be used to find hot spots at a fire site after the fire has been subdued, improving the departments ability to determine if a fire is completely out, and potentially mitigating against property damage.
Deputy fire Chief named On the recommendation of Fire Chief Casey Cuddy, the new Deputy fire Chief for Denbigh is Jon Pauhl, replacing Ken Berendt who has resigned.
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