Jeff Green | Apr 21, 2005
Feature article,April 21, 2005
Feature article April 21, 2005
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Addington Highlands also rejects Sunday hunting AH Council April 18, 2005by Jule Koch Brison
At Monday nights meeting in Denbigh, in a 3-1 vote, AH council rejected a proposal from the Ministry of Natural Resources that would allow gun hunting on Sundays on private land during the various hunting seasons.
The measure is proposed as a way to reduce wildlife-related crop and property damage in southern Ontario, estimated as exceeding $40 million annually.
Councilor Eythel Grant was the lone supporter of the proposal. He felt that Sunday hunting would reduce the numbers of deer and said, If it would prevent one accident it would be worth it. He also said that as a trapper he would like to be able to carry a gun on Sundays.
Councilors Scott and Cox, and Deputy Reeve Berger, however, did not see how Sunday gun hunting would reduce the numbers of deer. Councilor Cox said that most of the gangs he knows fill their quotas and cant hunt any more. Councilor Scott agreed, saying that the MNR should issue more tags instead of asking municipalities to allow Sunday hunting.
Councilor Cox also said, I think its good for the hunters to have a day to sober up and rest, which prompted a retort from Eythel Grant that in our gang we dont drink.
Reeve Hook abstained from voting on the issue, saying that he likes to be able to take a walk on Sundays during hunting season, but he could see some possible economic benefit in Sunday hunting.
Council passed a resolution rejecting the proposal and recommending to the MNR that they issue more tags instead.
North and Central Frontenac councils have also said no to Sunday gun hunting.
LITTERING AND GARBAGE CONCERNS: Its hard to promote an area if some people want to make it like a slum, said Deputy Reeve Berger in a discussion of unsightly garbage and littering on both public and private property. Councilors Scott and Cox both said they had received complaints about unsightly yards, and council as a whole was concerned that the desirability of Addington Highlands as an area was being harmed by these problems.
On positive notes, Councilor Scott praised all the ice fisher-persons for their care in taking their garbage off the ice, saying she was amazed that with all the activity on the lake, she had only found 2 cans in the water. She also said that she and her neighbours routinely take bags with them when to go out walking so they can pick up garbage. Other councilors concurred that they also know of people who do that.
Nevertheless, it was felt that the township needs to do something about the problem. They will look into obtaining No Littering signs that specify the $250 fine, and they plan to put notices in with the tax bills.
Students will be doing a clean up on the Addington Road on the weekend.
FENCE VIEWING: So what does a fence viewer do besides view fences? asked Reeve Hook jokingly of Township Clerk Jack Pauhl, in reference to an ad the township placed in the newspaper last week. Pauhl replied that they arbitrate in cases of line fence disputes, but added, hopefully we wont need them, He said that the township has never needed fence viewers before, but a situation is on the horizon that has prompted him to try to line up viewers. He has two names now, but three viewers are required.
Councilor Cox said when he looked into the subject of fences, he was surprised to find out that a resident is obliged to pay half of the costs towards a neighbours fence whether they themselves want a fence or not. Pauhl replied that only applied in Flinton and it was agreed that a fence bylaw is needed that would apply consistently to the whole municipality.
ROADS TAKE A BEATING: Roads Supervisor Royce Rosenblath reported that while on a routine patrol he had seen a cement truck on the Hartsmere Road. The half loads restriction is still on and trucks carrying full loads of construction materials do a lot of damage to the roads at this time of year. Rosenblath said that loggers had complained to him about trucks with construction materials being allowed on roads when logging trucks werent. They are in fact not allowed, but Rosenblath personally hadnt seen any construction trucks before.
Councilors said that residents, especially cottagers might not be aware of the problem and recommended that all building permits be stamped with the half loads restrictions.
CHLORIDE SPRAYING: Councilor Scott asked Royce Rosenblath If chloride spraying could start earlier because it is already needed. Rosenblath replied that cost is the concern because the roads would then have to be sprayed twice, doubling the cost from $10,000 to $20,000.
FIRE BAN: Presently there is a fire ban in the township. Fire Bans are usually announced on the radio.
ATV BYLAW: The township needs to consult its solicitor on possible liability if the township misses posting some unmaintained or seasonally maintained roads as not safe for ATV travel. The township also needs advice on the wording of the signs.
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