| Mar 31, 2005

Feature article, March 17, 2005

Feature article March 17 2005

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South Frontenac Township

by Wilma Kenny

Trailer By-law Concerns

Judy Reynolds spoke on behalf of a large delegation of trailer owners. She cited several instances of apparent inconsistency in the enforcement of the recent trailer licensing by-law, and asked that everyone be treated equally, and that seasonal trailer owners only be taxed for the four summer months that they used their trailers. She also asked whether a grandfathered trailer could be replaced by a new one. Mayor Lake agreed that it was important the by-law be enforced consistently, saying that Council would have to "thrash it out." Several Councillors repeated their concerns that the Township has no provision for short-term use of campers and trailers visiting local residents, but to date, no one has initiated the necessary zoning by-law amendment that would address this question.


Firemens Associations Donate High-powered Lighting Unit Fire Chief Rick Chesebrough announced that the local Firemens Associations have purchased a special diesel-powered lighting unit for South Frontenac Township fire departments. The unit, which cost over $10,000, will be a major asset for firefighters working at night. The Associations raise funds for special equipment such as this which the regular municipal budget cant provide. Chesebrough recommended that 22 new recruits who have completed the required assessment and training be hired as Volunteer firefighters. This brings the Township fire departments close to their full staff complement.

Sydenham Water

Speaking on behalf of the Sydenham Safe Water Association, Roxy Dennison-Stewart asked the elected officials to uphold the public interest by not proceeding with their current water treatment plan. She cited concerns about the process, planning and impact on the community, and stated that the SSWA has never been opposed to obtaining safe drinking water for all residents but they did not want an ill-conceived solution imposed on the village.

The Township Water Committee will hold its next meeting Tuesday March 22, at 10 am in the township hall. Although not a public meeting, it is open to the public.

No Power Boat Races on Proposed Sydenham Reservoir

In consideration of the Loughborough Recreation Committees opposition to power boat races on Sydenham Lake, Council voted to refuse the request to hold these races.

Land Trade Vetoed

Council turned down Vern Miles proposal to exchange two unopened portions of township road allowance for a parcel of land on the north side of Massassauga Road, on Loon Lake, on the grounds that the land being offered was mostly swamp. Bedford District Recreation Committee, supported by the Bedford Councillors, had received a proposal from the Rideau Trail Association offering to develop the site as a parking space for trail users and public picnicking. Councillors Barr, Davison, Robinson, Smith and Vandewal opposed this plan.

Petworth Bridge Restrictions

Council passed a by-law restricting the weight of vehicles using the Petworth Bridge in Portland district.

ATV Costs to Taxpayers?

Council defeated (6 to 3) a motion to have staff investigate whether or not there would be any increase in policing or other costs to the Township, before approving a by-law allowing ATVs to use township roads. This by-law will come before Council on April 5.

Ontario Rabies Prevention Program

The Ministry of Natural Resources is continuing its wildlife rabies control operations, which include trap-vaccinate-release programs, and widespread aerial vaccine baiting. They report that this program has been very successful: fox rabies has dropped from 1,500 cases in 1989, to only 54 last year, and raccoon rabies has been held in check. One of the reasons for success against raccoon rabies is the designation of eastern Ontario as a high-risk area. In this area, we are encouraged not to relocate raccoons, foxes or skunks. I wish Id known that a couple of years ago, when I was looking for an excuse not to participate in the delicate business of escorting a large (apparently healthy) and indignant skunk-in-a-garbage-can out of the village!

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