Jeff Green | Mar 24, 2005
Feature article, March 25, 2005
Feature article March 25 2005
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Paying taxes with Bag tags to cease Addington Highlands Council reportby Jule Koch Brison
A little known loophole which allowed residents to pay their taxes using free bag tags will be closed when the next tax bills go out, Council decided at this weeks meeting in Denbigh.
The Waste Management Committee brought a recommendation to the Addington Highlands Council meeting on March 21, that effective immediately, bag tags could no longer be used to pay taxes, but only to pay tipping fees.
Presently, at Addington Highlands waste disposal sites, residents who bring in bags of recyclables are given free bag tags in exchange, and the tags can be used to pay ones taxes. The Waste Management Committees concern was that people would bring in recycling from other places in order to get tags.
All of the councilors wondered if residents are even aware of the fact that they can pay their taxes with bag tags. However, when Councilor Bill Cox brought forward a motion to make the change to the bag tag system effective immediately, none of the other members of council would second it because they felt that residents should be given notice of the change.
The information about the bag tags and taxes is contained in a brochure on the bag tag system that was written by Reeve Hook. He said that the idea was to give people a further incentive to recycle, but that he was sketchy on the details as to when the motion [to adopt the policy] was made. Councilor Cox said he was not familiar with it and asked if the brochure had been distributed. Economic Development Chair Bill Brown said it had been mailed.
Waste site attendant Floyd Kellar was asked if he had seen an influx of recyclables. He replied, Its hard to say, but no, there may be one thats a little suspect.
Reeve Hook said that paying tipping fees for dumping mattresses, sofas, tires etc. with the tags would still give residents ample opportunity to use them up. Although Township Clerk Jack Pauhl was uncertain as to when the next tax bills would be going out, Deputy Reeve Loraine Berger brought forward a motion that a notice be sent out with the bills, and that bag tags for taxes would cease two weeks later. The motion was approved.
? Dump Closure: The Dump Closure Fund presently contains $133,208
? Business The next Business Breakfast meeting will be held on April 13 at 8 am at the Flinton Hall. The tenders for the catering will be in this week and the price for breakfast will be determined.
? Cloyne Soccer Club: The Cloyne Soccer Club is unable to get insurance, which it had previously obtained through the now defunct Cloyne Recreation Club, and has asked for coverage under the townships insurance policy. The township consulted with its insurers, who agreed to cover the soccer club under two conditions, one of which is that all of the clubs proceeds (registration fees, etc.) must pass through the township. Council voted to provide the insurance subject to the conditions.
? Country Music Jamboree: Council approved a request by the Flinton Recreation Club to hold a Country Music Jamboree in and around the Flinton hall on the weekend of July 29-31.
? Adventure race: An Adventure Race, sponsored by Salomon, will be held in and around Bon Echo Park on May 7. The event is expected to draw over 500 participants, among whom will be Reeve Hook and his wife Cathy, bringing up the rear, he joked. The race is 60 km long and is in three steps: mountain biking, running and canoeing.
? Big Bike: The fitness theme continued with the announcement by Councilor Louise Scott that Peggy Rahm has asked if AH Waste Management would be interested in riding the Big Bike for Stroke. Peggy can get a lot of sponsors, said Reeve Hook. I know, replied Louise Scott, Ill have to get out before her.
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