| Feb 10, 2005

Feature article February 17, 2005

Feature article February 17, 2005

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Sydenham Water: How Much Is Too Much? by Wilma Kenny

Alistair Lamb spoke to South Frotnenac Council on Tuesday Night (February 15) on behalf of the Sydenham Safe Water Association. He reviewed Councils letter to the association, which stated that the capital cost of the plant and distribution system would be known in early March, and that the engineering firms estimate of ongoing maintenance and service costs should be available soon. Lamb said the SSWA would be willing, as suggested, to help the township work out an estimate of the cost of individual hook-ups and installations.

Then Lamb reminded Council that, from the beginning, village residents had been told that "if the project cost estimates are too high, the project will be terminated."


"How high," asked Lamb, "is too high? Has Council an overall maximum budget beyond which the plug will be pulled?" He pointed out that before one bought a car, a person decided how much they could afford to spend. Likewise, village residents wanted to know how much Council was prepared to commit to the water project. Mayor Lake refused to give a number, saying only that they would have a better idea in early March, once the tenders had come in. Councillor Hahn said Lambs questions "assumed there were no other sources of funding," but he did not elaborate on this statement.

The SSWA left the meeting at this point, and Councillor Robinson arrived shortly afterward.

Other notes from South Frontenac Council

Strategic Plan for Frontenac County?

Consultant Jim Slavin gave a brief presentation about a strategic planning process that he has been contracted to develop with the County. He proposes setting up five committees of staff and residents to identify and examine key issues in the areas of transportation, administration, health, social networks, economic development and environment. Council asked about cost and value of this exercise. Slavin said it would help link the four townships through common issues and concerns, and might help get additional funding. When asked about his contract with the County, Slavin said he had a verbal contract with the CAO, but was unsure as to the exact amount he would be paid. Later, Mayor Lake expressed doubt that County Council had fully approved this project yet.

Harrowsmith Zoning By-law Amendment Deferred

A zone change that would allow Stephen Bowes to sell used cars from a commercial lot on road 38, at the top of the hill in Harrowsmith, was deferred until a site plan is submitted. Councillor Smith expressed concern about outside storage of vehicles, saying the water situation in Harrowsmith is fragile, and he didnt want to approve anything that might pollute the groundwater.

Fire Halls Dry

Council passed a by-law forbidding possession or consumption of alcohol at any of the South Frontenac firehalls.

Performance Bond Requirement Cancelled

In response to the Sustainability Committees request for direction from Council, Council voted against asking for a performance bond or other security equal to the value of 25% of the value of the first year of a contract for waste collection.

Powerboat Races on Sydenham Lake?

The Canadian Boating Federation has asked to hold powerboat races at the Point in Sydenham on August 27 &28. They also asked the township to provide adequate portable toilets for 300 people for the event, and requested sole access to the launching ramp for both days. Councillor Davison commented that the boat racers were a self-contained group, not providing much benefit to the village. The boaters request was forwarded to the recreation committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.

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