Letters,April 21, 2005 Letters April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Re: On Death and Dying The April 7 piece by Jule Koch Brison on the Terry Schiavo case (Days of Infamy and Horror) prompts me to write. There is another perspective, I think, on the question… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Tour renews concerns about mining exploration on private land by Jeff Green Unlike many people, who purchase property that is subject to mining claims, Marty Cadieux knew he would not own the mining rights… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Trailer bylaw comes under further fire in South Frontenacand notes from Council by Jeff Green A decision by South Frontenac Council to enforce a prohibition on trailers is still not sitting well with many… READ MORE
Feature article,April 14, 2005 Feature article April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Tourist operators snub the internetby Jeff Green When Lisa Bell started interviewing members of the Land O Lakes Tourist Association as part of a marketing project she has undertaken for the Association, she did… READ MORE
Nature Reflections ,April 14, 2005 Nature Reflections April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us The Porcupine As I was coming home one day this week, it was easy to see the Porcupine hunched down on a large branch of a tall maple tree - a round, black… READ MORE
CEntral_Frontenac_rejects Sunday_gun _huntung
Feature article,April 14, 2005 Feature article April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Central Frontenac rejects Sunday gun huntingand other news from Council by Jeff Green People might be able to shop till they drop on Sundays throughout Ontario, but Central Frontenac is committed to maintaining a… READ MORE
Feature article,April 14, 2005 Feature article April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us High Water A Natural Process by Gray Merriam Recent heavy rains with the ground still partially frozen have given us maximum high water despite the lack of snowmelt. High water is viewed by many… READ MORE
Legalese,April 14, 2005 Legalese April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us This column is not intended to provide legal advice. You should contact a lawyer to determine your legal rights and obligations. Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program Update Last month the Liberal government delivered on… READ MORE
Letters,April 14, 2005 Letters April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Poor Mans Pecan Pie I enjoy the Food and Friends recipes and wondered if anyone in our area has the recipe for Poor Mans Pecan pie made with oatmeal instead of pecans. I think it may… READ MORE
Feature article,April 14, 2005 Feature article April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us The Liberals are delivering good government, reallyIf you thought this would be a refreshing defence of the Federal Liberals in the midst of their trials and tribulations over sponsorship, you were wrong; those bums… READ MORE
Feature article,April 14, 2005 Feature article April 14, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us South Frontenac ATV club working to make ATV bylaw stickby Jeff Green Now that South Frontenac has passed its ATV bylaw for a one-year probationary period, the South Frontenac ATV club intends to be… READ MORE
Feature article,April 7, 2005 Feature article April 7, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Bomb scare forces the evacuation of Sydenham High School by Jeff Green Just before 10:00 am on Monday morning, an officer with the Frontenac detachment of the OPP phoned Sydenham High School to say… READ MORE
Letters ,April 7, 2005 Letters April 7, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Hi, boys and girls,To use an old cliche, GROW UP. If I can't believe all the news you print, then why should I believe any? "Just the facts, ma'am". Yours truly - no kidding, really,… READ MORE
Feature article,April 7, 2005 Feature article April 7, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us North Addington hosts the first ever North of Seven Chess Tournament Elementary students from as far away as Sharbot Lake and Napanee bussed up to North Addington Education Centre in Cloyne last week for… READ MORE
Feature article,April 7, 2005 Feature article April 7, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Addington Highlands Council April 4, 2005 by Jeff Green A simmering dispute came to the fore this week when Urusula Nussberger appeared before Addington Highlands Council to complain about road access to a car… READ MORE
Feature article,April 7, 2005 Feature article April 7, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Days of infamy and horror by Jule Koch Brison (publisher of The Frontenac News)Last week we published a letter to the editor on the subject of abortion entitled A Day that will live in… READ MORE