Letters, March 17, 2005 Letters March 17 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Re: Coyotes and Wolves I am writing to you about, an article that appeared in your newspaper in December called Wolves or Coyotes. (Nature Reflections column December 9, 2004) The article in your newspaper referred… READ MORE
Nature Reflections, Spring, March 31, 2005 Nature Reflections March 31 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us The Vernal EquinoxThe Vernal Equinox of the Northern Hemisphere is that point at which the sun is directly over the equator on its journey north. Night and day are the same length.… READ MORE
Letters, March 31, 2005 Letters March 31 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Re: Same-sex marriage I commend and admire the Reverend Jean Brown for the compassion and courage she has shown. In response to her letter, there has been a repetition of scanty Biblical quotesmostly Leviticus 20:13.… READ MORE
Feature article, March 31, 2005 Feature article March 31 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Survey reveals water quality is primary concern for those living in the vicinity of Bobs and Crow Lake by Jeff Green As it continues to work on a comprehensive lake plan, The Bobs… READ MORE
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Canadians 4 women of AfghanistanEducation Elevates a Child, a Community, a Nation This non-profit organization, with 14 chapters or affiliated groups across Canada, supports numerous projects in Afghanistan. One of the chief projects… READ MORE
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Record Lake Trout caught in Palmerston Lake On Saturday, March 19, Mark Lemke, owner of Lemkes Contracting in Ompah, caught a Lake Trout which weighed in at the Double S Sports and Marina… READ MORE
Legalese 12 tax tips March 2005 LegaleseMarch, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us This column is not intended to provide legal advice. You should contact a lawyer to determine your legal rights and obligations. Twelve Tax Tips for Your 2004 Return By Heidi Lazar-Meyn, Staff Lawyer and Cara… READ MORE
Distance_Medical_expenses and income tax
Legalese: Distance, medical expenses and income tax March 2005 LegaleseMarch, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Distance, Medical Expenses and Income Tax Income Tax - two words which, if you have to pay, can invoke all the unpleasantness of a toothache or the whirring of a dentists drill!… READ MORE
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Central Frontenac Council considering 2% tax rate decrease - and notes from Council by Jeff Green In their penultimate kick at the budget can, Central Frontenac Council has, through a straw vote, given… READ MORE
Letters March 25, 2005 Letters March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Re: Letter by Rev. Jean Brown - "Same sex Marriage"I have no intention of entering the nonsense debate on the pros and cons of same sex marriage, especially with a church pastor. However, as one… READ MORE
Night Skies April, 2005 Night Skies, April 05 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Night Skies For AprilThree Dazzling Planets and Several Conjunctions Leo Enright The increase in hours of daylight is easily noticed as the month of April passes, and with the change to Daylight Saving Time on… READ MORE
Nature Reflections Nature Reflections March 24, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Red-winged Blackbirds Many people think of the American Robin as the early bird of spring, but to me the Red-winged Blackbird is really the harbinger of the warming season. Robins are more likely to remain in… READ MORE
Sydenham _Water_Costs
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Sydenham Water: Numbers are in at Last! by Wilma Kenny At the South Frontenac Water Committee meeting earlier this week, engineer Guy LaPorte of Totten Sims Hubicki submitted project cost numbers based on… READ MORE
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Report says Reg. 170/03 need not apply to community halls, churches, B&Bs and small water systemsAdvisory committee recommends a risk-based, site-specific approach to water regulations by Jeff Green Last Fall Ontarios Environment Minister… READ MORE
Feature article, March 25, 2005 Feature article March 25 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Paying taxes with Bag tags to cease Addington Highlands Council report by Jule Koch Brison A little known loophole which allowed residents to pay their taxes using free bag tags will be closed… READ MORE
Legalese - March 17, 2005 Back toHome Legalese - March 17, 2005 Twelve tax tips for your 2005 return Part II byHeidi Lazar-Meyn, Lawyer, and HarryBeatty, Barrister and solicitor 7. You can take the full METC for yourself and your spouse or common-law partner, and your or your spouse’s or… READ MORE