Feature article,May 5, 2005 Feature article May 5, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Luminarias and Festival of Trees cant be combined I am writing this item in response to an article which appeared in the "Business over Breakfast" brochure of March 21,2005, and which I might add… READ MORE
Going through the roof in Flinton
If you could create a place of worship that you would attend, what would it look like? Over the last few years Bruce Kellar has been putting this question to anyone who would answer. Bruce is the pastor of Pineview Free Methodist Church in Cloyne, and for years he has… READ MORE
Life in My Pond
My pond - I call it my Paul Bunyan Pond - was dug at the time the house was built. It was to be the outlet for the water from the heat pump, and as a result it always has a small open area all winter because of the movement… READ MORE
Feature article,April 28, 2005 Feature articleApril 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us MacDonald loses his cool over COMRIF rejectionby Jeff Green Mayor Bill MacDonald was flabbergasted this week when he found out that Central Frontenac had been rejected in its application for funding from the Canada Ontario… READ MORE
Elections_to rejuvinate_process
Feature article,April 28, 2005 Feature articleApril 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Elections intended to rejuvinate land claim processby Jeff Green The Algonquin land claim, which has been on hold for years now, might start moving forward again, and Algonquin Chief Negotiator Robert Potts is hoping to… READ MORE
Kenyan_connection_at_Computers_for Schools
Feature article,April 28, 2005 Feature articleApril 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Kenyan connection keeps Computers for Schools program energized. by Jeff Green Its been three months since Mark Elliott returned from a trip to Kenya that was sponsored by Canadian Crossroads International, but he has had… READ MORE
Letters,April 28, 2005 Letters April 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Re: North Frontenac Little TheatreTwo weeks ago I attended the production of Guys and Dolls put on by the North Frontenac Little Theatre at the Sharbot Lake High School. It is the first time I have… READ MORE
Feature article,April 28, 2005 Feature articleApril 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Once Upon A Lily Pad wows LPS by Inie Platenius Nothing can tug on your heartstrings like the singing and dancing of young people, and when the performances are as well-rehearsed and directed as Loughborough… READ MORE
Tax_rate_decrease_in CF
Feature article,April 28, 2005 Feature articleApril 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Two percent decrease in tax rate in Central Frontenac to be approved on May 9 by Jeff Green Central Frontenac Council took a short last look at the township budget at their Council meeting this… READ MORE
Night Skies,April 28, 2005 Night Skies April 28, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us The night skies of MaySeveral bright planets and a lunar occultation by Leo Enright At the beginning of May, in this area, sunset is just after 8 p.m. EDT, and by the end of… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Trillium grant caps Little Theatre development Plans by Jeff Green As the North Frontenac Little Theatre headed towards its 25th Anniversary, the community theatre company took a look at its future development and decided… READ MORE
Nature Reflections, April 21, 2005 Nature Reflections April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us The Internet and Observations The Internet can be a marvellous resource for information, and sometimes the pictures are absolutely magnificent. This last is the case with a picture diary of a hummingbird nest.… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Addington Highlands also rejects Sunday hunting AH Council April 18, 2005 by Jule Koch Brison At Monday nights meeting in Denbigh, in a 3-1 vote, AH council rejected a proposal from the Ministry of… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Fire Hall plan causes ireand other North Frontenac Council Matters by Jeff Green Bill Flieler, the former Reeve of Clarendon and Miller township, appeared as a delegate to North Frontenac Council last Thursday, April… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Sharbot Lake Medical Centre becomes Family Health Team by Jeff Green When Dr. Peter Bell and Nurse Practitioner Mary Woodman heard that the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care was setting up… READ MORE
Feature article,April 21, 2005 Feature article April 21, 2005 LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home Contact Us Guys and Dolls at North Frontenac Little Theatre reviewed by Jeff Green North Frontenac Little Theatre faced a familiar problem in trying to adapt Guys and Dolls for a modern audience. The play was… READ MORE