| Nov 01, 2007

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Letters - November 1, 2007


November1Lack of Support for Carve-Off, Anne HowesThank You Eastern Ontario Trail Alliance, Ken FisherLack of Support for Carve-Off

The 2nd annual Great Pumpkin Carve-off was held this past Saturday evening from 6-8PM at Oso Hall. This event was sponsored and put on by the Volunteer Committee from The Simonett Building in Sharbot Lake.


Here was an event that was affordable (the cost of a pumpkin) and a donation to the food bank. I was so disappointed to see this event so poorly attended. It was meant to be a community event with participants from residents, businesses and community groups. Only a few children carved pumpkins and only six businesses submitted pumpkins. The silent auction was well supported through gift certificates and items from the local business community.

As a business in the area I know how often we are asked to support various fund raisers, but here was one that was very affordable to participate in and be part of this community. There sometimes are not enough children/family-oriented events for our area and this was an excellent evening put together by a group of local volunteers.

The volunteers put in a tremendous amount of work, including a mock cemetery outside the hall and a haunted parlor that was so well done. They deserve more support from this community.

They say they will do it again next year; it was just an off year. Let's hope so.

Anne Howes, Rising Bun Bakery, Sharbot Lake

Thank You Eastern Ontario Trail Alliance

I am writing to express my gratitude to the E.O.T.A. for the excellent repairs made to Maberly’s Iron Bridge over the Fall River. The bridge, along the Trans-Canada Trail, is located between Maberly (Township of Tay Valley) and Sharbot Lake (Township of Central Frontenac).

As you know, during the summer it looked like this, with many other less visible cracks. It was in a dangerous condition.

Here’s what it looks like with 21 new planks!And now with its repairs, it is ready for snowmobilers and other fall and winter traffic.On behalf of my fellow trail users (ATV owners, dog-walkers, joggers, hikers and fisher-folk) my sincere thanksKen Fisher, Maberly

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