Jeff Green | Oct 29, 2009
Back to HomeLetters - October 29, 2009Letters: October 29
Re: Hydo Debt, Betty Gallant
South Frontenac Council, Bill Robinson
Re: Hydro Debt - Frontenac News, Oct 15I, too, am paying for a debt that was not of my making, and this is no small debt! I totally agree with Ms. Ina Hunt-Turner!
Hydro One has not, as far as I'm aware, ever given an accounting of this debt, or let their customers know how much has been paid off. Why not?
Hydro rates have increased and Smart Metres have been installed. I believe these Smart Meters are Hydro One's way to “sidetrack” their customers, so that this little matter of debt repayment is not of prime importance. But it is! How do we get Hydro One to account for the debt repayment charges we see on our bills each and every month?
Betty Gallant
South Frontenac CouncilRegarding the presentation of the first three mayors by the South Frontenac Township Sydenham W.I. - a thoughtful idea and wonderful photo portraits (Frontenac News, Oct 8, 2009, South Frontenac Council). However, at the next meeting of council I asked why the other two mayors were not invited, because they were informed beforehand. This was wrong, and also not published in the October 20 paper.
As well, at that council meeting I inquired about the issue of slip lanes in the village of Harrowsmith, both on Road 38; one is south and one is north. Each business is very similar. One has to pay $25,000 and that is the one on the south end; the one on the north pays nothing. Both on the same highway, approximately half a mile apart. Is this justice, I asked?
Neither of these subjects was published and I think this is wrong as well. Equal justice for all.
Bill Robinson, South Frontenac Councillor
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