Mar 29, 2017
Council cost taxpayers a total of $82,691.07 in 2016 including mileage, professional development and per diem.
Mayor Frances Smith was paid $13,462.10 including $1,058.32 in mileage. Dep. Mayor (for 2016) Bill MacDonald received $10,638.82 including $543.68 in per diem and $588.50 in mileage. Coun. Victor Heese received $10,720.94 including $332.99 for professional development and conferences, $630 for per diem and $1,144.12 for mileage. Coun. Tom Dewey received $9,725.37 including $923.21 for mileage and $119.21 for ‘other.’ Coun. Cindy Kelsey received $9,116.85 including $433.90 for professional development and conferences. Coun. Phillip Smith received $8,988.95 including $90 per diem and $216 for mileage. Coun. Sherry Whan, Brent Cameron and Jamie Riddell each received $8,682.95.
MacDonald suggested that compared with other Councils in the area, Central is on the lower end of the pay scale and Council instructed the treasurer to look at adding increases into this year’s budget, which will come to Council in two weeks.
Council canceled
As Oso Hall is scheduled for a coroner’s inquest during the week of April 25 and unavailable for the Council meeting, Council opted to cancel its meeting rather than move it to one of the other Township Halls.
Goat meat with hazelnuts
During County economic development officer Richard Allen’s presentation, Coun. Bill MacDonald noted that the possibility of a hazelnut industry in the future, quipping that “I’m encouraged to find you’re going to increase the number of nuts in Frontenac County.”
MacDonald also asked what become of male goats and female goats after their milking lives were done.
Allen replied that there is a growing goat meat market in Canada given immigration from countries where goat meat is a staple.
Dep. Mayor Brent Cameron had an alternative possibility.
“Old goats might have an opportunity in municipal politics,” Cameron said.
New hires
Council announced they will be extending offers of employment to Shawn Merriman as manager of development services/chief building official and Greg Robinson as manager of emergency services/fire chief.Clerk Cathy MacMunn said no further details could be released until contracts were signed, but both officials are expected to take office May 1.
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