Craig Bakay | Jan 10, 2018
About 52 per cent of the septic systems inspected during the 2017 program had no concerns, Eric Kohlsmith of Mississippi Rideau Septic System Office told North Frontenac Council at its regular meeting last Friday in Plevna. However, he said, only one system was recommended for replacement. The other 45 per cent only needed some remedial work including pump outs and replacing baffles.
“It should be noted that age was not a significant factor in the system deficiencies identified,” he said.
He said interaction with property owners was “very positive” and that 64 per cent of the property owners were present during the inspections.
He said 41 park land campsites were inspected in the 2017 program, all on Crotch Lake.
“Given the difficult access and rough terrain, the North Frontenac Park Lands group does a very good job in trying to place the privies in the ideal location — greater than 15 metres from the water and in soil with a depth of at least 60 centimetres,” he said. “The only systems found not to meet the 15-metre setback distance were on sites that did not have 15 metres to water — island sites.”
Kohlsmith recommended continuing with a re-inspection program with a mail-out by May 5, complete parklands inspections in the last week of August, the use of soil probes for locating new privy sites and the removal of “tables” in park lands sites near the shoreline to mitigate the washing of dishes and other grey-water sources.
The full report is available in the agenda package on the North Frontenac website
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Fire Chief/Director of Emergency Services Eric Korhonen showed Council one of three packages (with four quilts each) that the Trinity Quilters of Verona have donated to the North Frontenac Fire Department and one package to the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department.
“The Trinity Quilters have requested that the quilts be provided to individuals at emergency scenes who require warmth and comfort,” he said. “The quilts will be retained by the individuals who receive them.”
“They told us to let them know when we use one and they’ll replace it,” said CAO Cheryl Robson. “Any any local quilting groups are welcome to donate if they’re interested.”
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Coun. Gerry Martin had quite a bit of feedback for Mayor Ron Higgins’ report on North Frontenac’s strategic plan, especially when it came to backing more boat launches instead of trails initiatives.
But Martin saved his best comments for the ‘values’ section where Higgins urged Council to be pleasant, accommodating, rational and show respect for all.
“I hope you’re not asking everybody to agree on everything — that’s not why we’re here,” Martin said.
“If we’re still around (after this year’s election), I’d still like to discuss this whole structure,” said Coun. John Inglis. “I didn’t know much about strategic plans four years ago and was skeptical about their usefulness.
“I’m a little better on them now.”
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