Craig Bakay | Jun 26, 2019
Removal of the term ANSI (Area of Natural or Scientific Interest) from the text and schedules of North Frontenac’s Zoning Bylaw was probably the most significant revision to emerge from the special Council meeting last Friday in Plevna.
Just what effect that might have on future development is unclear however as the term still remains part of Frontenac County’s Official Plan, which, as county planner Megan Rueckwald pointed out, supersedes any township document.
There were 10 changes in total, including several definition changes (pod, tiny home, recreational vehicle) as well as regulations allowing principal storage units on waterfront lots at least 150 metres from the water and the policies for recreational vehicles on vacant lots (maximum 14 days in a 90-day period). Another change clarifies that mainland parking and water access is not required for existing water access lots but will be required for any new water access lot.
“We’re going to need an encyclopedia to understand all these definitions,” said Coun. Vernon Hermer.
Still to be added to the bylaw are the addition of American safety standards to the RV definition, the removal of accessory dwellings from industrial zones, the inclusion of current zoning mapping of unstable soils rather than the draft mapping for such soils, a definition for lot of record and the establishment of a minimum lot size.
“Hopefully, this will be passed in July,” said Tracy Zander, of ZanderPlan, who wrote most of the bylaw. Zander noted that there have been “two public meetings and two open houses” for this bylaw.
One thing that won’t be changing however is a provision to allow raising more than chickens in backyards.
Despite Dep. Mayor Fred Perry’s suggestion that “chickens” be changed to “fowl,” a lengthy discussion on the exclusion of roosters and peacocks, Clerk/Planning Manager Tara Mieske provided the definitive argument to not changing the wording when she said: “We’ve consulted on this bylaw with the public for four months and I’m not comfortable (with that big a change). People will call and we’ll (staff) have to explain what the bylaw permits.”
“OK, let’s leave it at chickens,” said Coun. Wayne Good. “I’m done.”
The meeting ended on a somewhat sour note after Mayor Ron Higgins asked for public comments.
Resident Herbert Kent, who attends almost all Council meetings, tried to comment that Council wasn’t taking into account the ramifications some of their decisions but Higgins said Kent’s comments weren’t “pertinent to today’s agenda items.”
This led to a heated exchange between the two with Higgins threatening to have Kent removed.
Kent replied that wouldn’t be necessary and left of his own accord.
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