Craig Bakay | Oct 25, 2019
Twenty-five years ago, Lois Weber retired to the Plevna area from Belleville. She wanted something to do and to meet people in a social setting.
“I’d always worked,” she said last Thursday at the Plevna Craft Ladies Group celebrated its 25th anniversary in Clar-Mill Hall. “I wanted to get together with other like-minded individuals and quilting’s my thing.”
“Everything’s her thing,” interjected current president Carly Rainville. “She’s my mentor.”
“These days, it’s more of a social club,” said Weber.
That may be true enough, but judging from the displays around the room, there’s plenty of crafting going on too, with quilts, cosies, knitting, sewing, bags, paper crafts, Christmas decorations and even some flowers made from glass plates and cups gleaned from second-hand stores everywhere.
“You can bring your own craft, teach a craft or learn a craft,” Rainville said.
Weber said they began with five members, grew to about 25 and have currently settled in at about “18 regulars.”
“We’re older women so a lot of them either move or pass on,” she said. “But there are younger people doing it (crafting) now too.”
Rainville said one of the more popular activities is the group quilt.
“You pay $20 to work on it and when it’s done, you can win it,” she said.
The group meets on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every week excluding July and August.
Besides crafting, they take excursions and shopping trips to larger centres, such as Bancroft for the Tulipfest.
And they have special events like Greeting Card Day.
“There’s no cost, although most make a $3 donation to cover coffee and the hall rental,” Rainville said. “But if someone can’t pay, we don’t push it.”
And they do like to support community initiatives like making wrapping paper and knitting hats and mittens which are distributed through one of the local lodges.
As such, their membership tends to swell around Christmas time.
And it should be mentioned that the goodies table of squares and cookies was arguably one of the best in the history of Frontenac County.
If you’d like to join the ladies or would just like more information, call Carly at 613-479-8023.
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