Jul 08, 2010

FSR president Gray Merriam and North Frontenac mayor Ron Maguire at the Story Lake sign unveiling

A small group gathered on July 3 on Road 506, just north of Northbrook, for the official unveiling of the third and final story board sign, which brings to completion the cooperative watershed sign project initiated by the Friends of the Salmon River (FSR). The project aims to highlight the importance of the Salmon River watershed to permanent and seasonal residents, and visitors, in the hopes of generating local awareness of and concern for the watershed’s ongoing health and protection. The sign highlights general information about the Salmon River watershed along with specific messages about the particular area, including a list of species at risk.

Gray Merriam, president of the FSR, unveiled the sign and spoke about its purpose to “help people relate to the land where they live.” The sign is positioned where Story Lake meets Beaver Creek, the latter being one of the Salmon's major tributaries, which flows into Kennebec Lake. ”These upstream areas are the most important in any watershed. Anything dumped in here will travel all the way down to Shannonville”, Merrriam explained at the presentation. “ If we can get people to relate more strongly to their land and get people to care, then we really have it made. That's much more effective than passing regulations.”

The project was a joint effort between the FSR, the Frontenac, Hastings, and Lennox and Addington Stewardship Councils and Quinte Conservation Authority, and, according to Merriam, “is a remarkable example of how cooperation can work.”

The signs were designed by Carolyn Butts and Hans Honecker of Bon Eco Designs in Tamworth. North Frontenac Mayor Ron Maguire, Ken Hook of the Land O' Lakes Tourist Association and Terry Kennedy, president of Kennebec Lake Association, each spoke and Steve Medd, former director of the FSR, ended the event with an original song called Dare to Dream - A tribute to the Salmon River.

For more information about the FSR visit friendsofsalmonriver.ca

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