Feb 13, 2025

Table of Contents

by Brent Fehr

EMAIL!  After 28 years of loyalty with Rogers, my email address has been cancelled. Yep!  Logged out. Has this ever happened to you?  Let me know your story. To communicate with this columnist for Arden, please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your contact list. Send me your events, activities, gatherings, celebrations, etc…  I will be happy to share in the Arden Column. 

DAILY - Public Skating!  Daily at Kennebec Sports Centre (5998 Arden Road) Hours are; Monday to Friday 5pm-9pm Saturday & Sunday 12pm- 9pm.  NOW until March. 

Arden Legion - NEW MENU!  Check out the new Legion menu including; Chicken Wings (Breaded or Naked), Poutine, Chicken Fingers, and French Fries. With sauces & dips to accompany and spice things up

TAX VOLUNTEER!  Rural Frontenac Community Services needs volunteers for the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. Every year,  people in need count on free tax clinics to get the important benefit and credit payments they may be eligible for.  When you volunteer with Rural Frontenac Community Services through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, you can make a difference to someone’s life!  Please call 613-279-3151.

March 8th, 2025 - Open Mic with Neil Purchase and Marilyn Tellier Saturday March 8th, 1pm to 5pm

March 15th, 2025 - St. Patrick’s Day is coming!  Come share an Irish tradition and enjoy a full Irish breakfast with eggs to order, honey glazed ham, Irish potato scones, black pudding, toast, juice, coffee & tea.  Catch up with friends and get ready for spring.  Saturday, March 15th from 8:00 to 10:30AM.  Arden United Church 1076 Railway St., Arden, ON K0H1B0  Free will donation gratefully accepted. 

April 26th, 2025 - HAM DINNER at Arden legion @ 5pm. Tickets are $15 available at The Legion. Includes; Ham, mashed potatoes, scallop potatoes, gravy, buttered carrots, caraway cabbage and rolls. Of course, Pie for dessert.

by Chris Pantrey

What time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn!

Don't forget the clocks "spring ahead" on Sunday, March 9th.

March certainly came in like a lamb last Saturday.  Will we hear the lion roar at the end of the month? I hope not!

John P from Battersea celebrates a milestone on March 9th! Happy birthday, Hunny!

Transition Storrington presents, The Power of Permaculture, on Saturday, March 8th from 1-3 at the Storrington Centre on 3910 Battersea Rd. Permaculture is a harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. It is based on 3 ethics: Take care of the earth; take care of the people; and return of surplus!  Presenter Bob Chambers has been a permaculture designer for 10 years and has designed 3 projects in the region including his own at Edible Forest Farm in Inverary. $5 suggested donation.  Refreshments provided.

March break seems early this year, with students off next week. There is public skating at Frontenac Arena Tuesday to Friday.  Check out the South Frontenac Township website for times and details.  Everyone enjoy their week!

Line dancing at 7pm on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall.  Cost is $5.  Just show up and join the fun!

Open mic! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center.  Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome!  Admission charge is $2.

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Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper

Please read the following from Shirley Sedore:

Please mark your calendars and spread the word about the 2nd Summer Spectacular Outdoor Market Fundraiser at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton! Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2025 -Time: 10am - 2pm**VENDORS NEEDED!**If you're interested in being a vendor or have any questions, please contact Maude at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 905-449-2160 for your vendor package. Thank you!

The Friends of Bon Echo Park is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of Bon Echo Provincial Park.  Greystones Gift Shoppe and Café is our visitor and camper supply shop and we are currently seeking Store Clerks to join our team.

The Lions continue to raise money to make their Hall onto an Emergency Centre for our community. With your support in buying “Catch The Ace” tickets each week it is a win-win situation. The Estimated Jackpot this week is $8000.00.

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Gail Fritsch

Well, another year has rolled by quickly and March Break is next week. Wishing you all the best and hope you get to spend some time with family and friends.

The Denbigh Recreation Committee will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Irish Stew Dinner with a bun and dessert on Friday, March 14 from 5 until 7pm at the Denbigh Hall, 222 Highway 28.  Adults $18, children $8 and under 4 free.  Gluten free is available. 

Shake Your Shamrock at the St. Paddy’s Day Dinner and Dance on Saturday, March 15 at the Matawatchan Hall 1677 Frontenac Road.   Some great entertainment with Canadian Fiddle Champion Robbie Dagenals and Kerry Vaillancourt vocals and guitar.  The event is from 5 to 12pm.  $10 entrance with a cash bar.  Irish Stew is served from 5 until 7pm for $10 a person.

Please let me know if you have any news or a special celebration you would like to share.

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Kelli McRobert

The Cole Lake Free Methodist Church will host a fundraiser breakfast for the Parham Fair Society on Saturday, March 22nd from 830-11am.  By donation with all proceeds going to the Parham Fair Society. See you there!

Applications for the South Frontenac Community Grant Program are now being accepted. Community grants provide funds to organizations and events that enrich the quality of life in South Frontenac based on three grant streams: operating, capital, and sponsorship. The deadline to apply is April 30, 2024. For more information see https://vist.ly/3mw8ibx.

There is a community breakfast on March 8th at the Verona Lions Club - 4504 Verona Sand Road from 830-11am in support of the South Frontenac Firefighters. Come out and support our local firefighters. By donation.

Happy birthday to our March babies: Andre Desjardins, Darlene Clement, Natalie Senecal, Ronda Peters, Tina Howes, Jewel, Tammy Warren, Rachael Cumpson, Angela Maddocks, Michelle McShane, Doreen Morey, Nancy Steele, Joanne Bird, Vicki Wodzak, Allie Montgomery, Gert Switzer, and Brent Hamilton.

Do you love 3-pitch? The 3 pitch fundraiser on April 26th is still looking for more teams. You can find details on their event page: https://www.facebook.com/share/15MmQBAeyK/

Interim Tax Notices have been prepared and are in the mail: due March 31, 2025. If you have not received your Interim Tax Notice by March 14, please contact the Tax Department at 613-376-3027 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. During office renovations, in-person payments can be made at the Sydenham Library (Meeting room, 4412 Wheatley St.)


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Marie White

No column; check back next week!

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Gregg Hamelin

Maple syrup New Leaf Link fundraiser is on again this year! Prices for 1L - $22, for 2L - $38, for 4L - $70. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to order. Order by April 13th and pick up on April 19th at a location near you. Thanks for your support!

Saturday, March 15th, 2024 join us at the Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club at 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith for St. Patrick's Day.  Potluck dinner with Karaoke from 6 to 10pm.  Members are free and non-members $10 (and you can become a member).  Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know if you're planning to join us.

This year marks the eighty (80th) anniversary of the end of the Second World War.  Usually, Harrowsmith acknowledges the November 11 date with a very small ceremony (8 - 10 people) across from the Parkette where the concrete flower pots have been placed.

For this year's Anniversary we would like to do something better and hopefully bigger. A committee is being formed to look into this.  If you would like to join the committee, determine what we are going to do and split up the work, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, e-mail id, phone number and your reason for being interested.

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Jean Brown

My word, we appreciate our road people - so let’s do our part and respect the load restrictions that are on now with 5 tonnes per axle to reduce stress on roads during this period of frost and thawing in the spring. We’re bound to have a few pot holes, so let’s get our minds and our cars ready for them.

Henderson United concluded a two month winter sabbatical and welcomed licensed lay worship leader Sharon MacDonald to the pulpit last Sunday. It was great to visit with the church and community folks once again, and have a few laughs and prayers together.

Our sister church Arden United is hosting a St. Patricks breakfast coming up on Sat. March 15 from 8am to 10:30 featuring an Irish breakfast of eggs as you like them, black pudding, glazed ham, coffee, tea, toast, home made Irish potato scones, plus visiting. Come and get ready for spring. Free will offering.

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by Judy Borovskis

Spring Ahead! Saturday night, remember to put your clock ahead one hour!

Bob’s Breakfast Buffet served 132 customers on March 1st. The breakfast was compliments of Inverary Pharmasave in celebration of its 7th Anniversary. Thank you, Leonard Chan, from our committee as well as all the hungry customers! It was also the one year celebration of the return of the breakfast. Thank you everyone for your support. Next Breakfast is April 5! The first Saturday of every month except July & August!

Self-Defence! Classes at Inverary United Church Hall on Thursday March 6th. Learn regular Self-Defence and knife-Defence. Class is from 630-745 pm.  To register or for info call 613 328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  All the proceeds for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre.

Transition Storrington presents: The Power of Permaculture, on Saturday, March 8th from 1-3 at the Storrington Centre on 3910 Battersea Rd. Permaculture is a harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter etc. in a sustainable way. It is based on 3 ethics: Take care of the earth; Take care of the people; and return of surplus!  Presenter is Bob Chambers of Edible Forest Farm in Inverary. $5 suggested donation.  Refreshments provided.

Spring Sale! Saturday, March 22nd at Inverary Church Hall from 10 – 3. Over twenty tables of garage sale/flea market items, crafts, gently used clothing, household items and the list goes on! Come take a look – great buys! Donations for the church table are welcome.

Fill the Bin! on March 23rd. Calling all pop cans, as well as alcohol beverage containers. Storrington Lions Club thanks ANS Scrap Metal and Environmentall Contracting Services for their support. Funds raised are for the Lions Foundation of Canada Service Dogs program.

Pancake Dinner by Perth Road Public School Council on Tuesday March 25th at Inverary United Church Hall from 5 to 7pm. Pancakes, sausage, baked goods, tea, coffee & juice. Adults $8, 12 and under $5 and 2yrs and under free. Proceeds in support of classroom needs and Grade 8 Graduation.

Line Dancing Lessons at 7pm. on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall. Cost is $5.00. Just show up and join the fun!

Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30pm. Four handed euchre. Cost  is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.

Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6:00 pm. at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Open Mic ! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.00.

Pickleball Courts and Hall Rentals available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920.

Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.

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Karen Prytula

Women’s Heart Health Education – Free – March 7th at 1pm at the Maberly Community Hall. Light refreshments provided. Tay Valley is proud to partner with the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and Presenter Heather Ebbs – Community Advocate for Women’s Heart Health. Registration Available online or by calling the Municipal Office at 613-267-5353 ext. 110

2nd Annual Yuk Yuk's Stand-Up Comedy Show, March 13th, 2025 from 1:30pm - 3pm at Maberly Hall! 180 Maberly Elphin Road. Admission is FREE! We only have 100 spots available, so be sure to register before we run out of room.  Register by calling the Municipal Office at 613-267-5353 EXT 110 or email the Corporate Assistant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Partial funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre. 

St. Patrick's Day Dinner & Open Mic! & Games, with optional Irish stew supper, Friday March 14th from 5pm - 7pm at Maberly Hall (180 Maberly Elphin Road) in support of the Bright Strings Community Fiddle Orchestra (previously Blue Skies Fiddle Orchestra) on. The fiddle orchestra is now a separate entity from the Blue Skies organization and has to fund itself 100% as it brings music and musical training to adults and kids alike in our communities. Contact Cindy McCall at 613-278-2448 to reserve your dinner! 

Maberly Memory Café - Tay Valley Township is partnering with The Alzheimer Society of Lanark Leeds Grenville in providing the community with a Memory Café in Maberly. Come by the hall to socialize with other people who share a similar journey. All welcome - prevention is the first step. Contact 866-576-8556, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Upcoming Dates: 10am - 12pm, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17.

Diner’s Club Luncheon – FREE – March 20th, 11:30am-1pm at the Maberly Community Hall. Butter Chicken, Basmati rice, and green salad. Register online or call the Municipal Office to register (613) 267-5353 x 110. Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Music by local talent, Peter Brown – pianist/singer   

CPHC Exercise Class for Seniors, Mondays (except holiday Mondays) at ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd, 9:30-10:30am. ALL LEVELS are welcome! This is a FREE class. Bring running shoes and comfortable clothing, and bring a water bottle. Call Margaret at (613) 273-9244 for more information.

Footcare Clinic – Monthly at the Maberly Community Hall. Call the Municipal Office to register (613) 267-5353 x 110. Appointments required.

Maberly Library Kiosk, book exchange - Partnership with the Perth & District Union Library – Reserve, pickup, and return books from the Perth and District Library at the Maberly Hall. Inquire at the Municipal Office, (613) 267-5353 x 137 or Library (613) 267-1224 for further details.

Book Club w Emily – Partnership with the Perth & District Union Library. Last Tuesday of each month from 1pm-2pm at the Maberly Community Hall. Inquire with the Library for further details (613) 267-1224.  



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by Leane Bailey

If you are new to the community or have never been to the Ompah Community Centre, please consider joining with us. We are always looking for new ideas, and suggestions of ways that we can provide fun family activities at the Centre. Some of the events that are taking place this year include: Ompah Snow Stomp, Canada Day Picnic, Corn Roast, Music Night, Bicycle Safety Day, Monthly Potlucks, Weekly Coffee Groups, Fitness groups, and more. Annual Membership is only $1.

The March Ompah Snow Stomp (Outdoor Dance) will be held on Sat. March 15th from 4pm to 5:30pm. It’s such a fun event, with Meredith leading Zumba dances in the Ompah parking lot, and a warm firepit nearby so people can warm up with refreshments. Please park at the Rest Stop, and join in the outdoor fun. Refreshments will be provided. (No alcohol please.) Contact Liz for more information 613-806-4745

On March 17th, Melanie Hindson, from Smiles 4 Miles will be offering dental hygiene services at the Ompah Community Centre. Contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your appointment.

Join us on March 19th for the Birthday Bash/Potluck. Bring a dish to share and $2 and join in the fun as we enjoy a community meal together and celebrate the March Birthdays.

The Ompah Community Cupboard fridge in the foyer of the Community Centre has many types of canned goods, carrots and apples. The Ompah Community Centre Association is purchasing milk, bread, fruit and veggies to add to the offerings.  Feel free to come and take what you can use or drop off what you have to spare.  The use of the Cupboard is intended for everyone in the community.

Please join us for coffee on Wednesday mornings at 10am. It’s a fun way to meet your Ompah neighbours. While you are there drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to 12noon. Our library has a wide selection of books, DVDs, and other items. We also have some free books, and puzzles available inside the Hall entrance.





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by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele

On Feb. 28th there was a rare planetary parade visible in the night sky.  Hope you were able to see this.

It is nice to have KEYS Employment services in Sharbot Lake after the closing of the St. Lawrence College Employment Centre late last year.  They are open on Wednesday and Thursdays to help you with your job search or resume, etc...

Sad to hear of the passing of Romalda (Lowery) Parks, daughter of (Uncle) Bill and (Aunt) Emma Lowery.  Also Shirley Flear from Godfrey has passed.  Sympathy to those families.

World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 7th at 2pm at the Free Methodist Church in Parham.  The theme is "I Made You Wonderful" with other churches in the area taking part.

Sharbot Lake Lions All You Can Eat Breakfast is this Saturday, March 8th - great way to kick off March Break!

Mark Saturday, March 15th on your calendar for the Ham Supper sponsored by the Parham United Church from 5 to 7pm $20 each for adults and children 6 to 12 are $8 at the CE Building in Parham.

Don't forget to set your clock ahead on Saturday Night!!

Cole Lake Free Methodist Church is holding a Pancake Breakfast on March 22nd from 830 to 11am with all proceeds going to the Parham Fair.

Robins have been spotted in the area last Tuesday.  Can spring be just around the corner?

As we gear up for spring, remember that Central Frontenac Minor Softball Registration has opened online.  Teams will be capped so be sure to register early so you won't be disappointed.  Visit www.fcmsa.ca to get registered and payment can be etransferred to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  For those Junior Men that want to sign up - please click on Adult League and then scroll down to register.

Some upcoming vendor events are April 26th at the Frontenac Community Arena and May 10th at the Parham Ball Field.

Parham and area residents will remember Stephen Goodberry who lived here for years, and devoted many hours of music to the community. He was a favourite of the late Pearl Killingbeck as she SO enjoyed his Elvis renditions. Pearl also loved his costume! Stephen, accompanied by Debra Currier, will be one of the headliners at Clar-Mill Hall, Plevna on Sat. March 29th (1pm). The Music in the Hall event is hosted by North Frontenac Historical Society & Archives. Tickets are $15 each. Paper tickets are available from Committee members by calling (613) 479-0586 or (613) 479-5549. Electronic tickets are available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Plan to get tickets early as space is limited.

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Perth Road
by Peter Bird

PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.

Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with February birthdays or anniversaries.


Tuesday Lunches weekly at 12 noon. Enjoy home-made fare including a choice of two heart-warming soups, and a variety of sandwiches and delicious deserts. Come early for Euchre.

A BIG THANKS to all who helped with the Whites Country Music Concert.

Upcoming: NEW COMMUNITY MARKET to open bi-weekly, beginning Saturday, March 29th, 9am to 2pm. For vendor inquiries/details call Jane at 613-353-7818.

MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Saturday, April 5th. 8:30am-2pm. More information to follow.

For information about the Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.

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by Rhonda Watkins

Tremendous congratulations on the success of the three winning teams at Plevna Clarendon Schools Woodworking and Robotic divisions in the LDSB Skills Competition!! Great job guys!! Our community is very proud of you all!!

NFHSA is announcing a musical afternoon at Plevna Clar-Mill Hall, on SAT. MARCH 29 (1pm start). The group invites you to enjoy a concert to celebrate the end of winter. Featured musicians will be Steve Goodberry and Debra Currier and the White Brothers Classic Country. Tickets are $15 each with proceeds to support NFHSA projects. Paper tickets are available from many committee members such as Heather (613 479-5549) or Brenda (613 479-0586). Electronic tickets are also available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More details will be shared in next week's paper.

The Holy Trinity Anglican Church would like to thank the 22 people who came out to play Euchre last week at the Plevna Clar-Mill hall!  Come on out Tuesday nights at 7pm for a fun night of cards and good company! Refreshments and cash prizes are enjoyed after the games. There is no charge for the admission, but donations are welcomed for the Church. For more information you can contact Rhonda at 613 264-5325.

The Clar-Mill Community Volunteer Cornhole league is at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) on Thurs March 6th at 7pm. $5 per person 

Please mark your calendars and spread the word about the 2nd Summer Spectacular Outdoor Market Fundraiser at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton on Saturday, June 7th from 10am - 2pm. **VENDORS NEEDED!** If you're interested in being a vendor or have any questions, please contact Maude at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 905-449-2160 for your vendor package. Thank you!

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Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers

NOTE: The Dinner and Dance at Soldiers memorial Hall on Saturday night (March 8) has been cancelled.

Have you heard about the “Good Food Box” program?  This is a collaborative project of the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team, The Sharbot Lake Lions Club, and Rural Frontenac Community Services. Each GFB contains healthy, natural foods that anyone can order for themselves, or can order to be donated to someone in need. The Food Boxes are $20, and the next date for pick-up is March 19th.  Orders must be received by March 14th , by phoning 613-279-2100, ext. 124

Friday, Mar. 7 -Sharbot Lake Legion Roast Beef Dinner; 5:30pm at the Royal Canadian Legion (1015 Legion Rd).

Saturday, Mar. 8 – The Lions Club Community Breakfast. All You Can Eat. Adults $10/ Kids 6-10 $6/Children 5 and under eat free. Soldiers Memorial Hall. (OSO Hall)

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Snow Road

We are so very fortunate to have active community halls that provide a variety of activities for our residents. Music events are always popular and this month we are aware of two special presentations.

The first music night for the season at the Snow Road Community Centre will feature Jewel Darby – singer/songwriter and guitar player on Thursday, March 27th. Call Mike at 613-278-5183 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for tickets.

The North Frontenac Historical Society and Archives are having a “Music in the Hall” event at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna on Saturday afternoon, March 29th. Featured performers include Stephen Goodberry. Yes you have seen that name many times in Pearl’s Mississippi column as her beloved “Elvis”. His talented wife Debra Currier will accompany him. The White Brothers Classic Country band will also perform. This will be a fantastic afternoon of music. For tickets contact Kathy at 613-479-5583 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Sadly, we received news of the passing of Norma Laffin, a former resident of Snow Road. Condolences to Randy and Tracey and all her family and friends.

Get well wishes go out to Morley Wark who had surgery on his shoulder this week. Reports are that the surgery went really well. Follow the doctor’s orders and don’t do things you were told not to do.

March came roaring in like a lion so we will watch for her leaving gentle as a lamb. Spring is hopefully around the corner and many maple syrup producers are getting their equipment and bush ready to harvest lots of sweet syrup. If you are needing some supplies check out a local business called Mississippi Maple Supplies located on Shiner Road in Mississippi Station.

Wednesday, March 12th is the date for the community dinner at the Snow Road Community Centre.  Doors open at 5:30pm and dinner will be served at 6pm.  Bring a dish to share and join with your neighbours for some food and fellowship.

News from Snow Road Snowmobile Club: Proceeds from the March 8th breakfast will be donated to the family of 8-year old Britt Price of McDonalds Corners, who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a grade 4 (rapid growing yet treatable) brain tumor in December, had surgery in CHEO and was then transferred to Boston to undergo further surgery and treatment. His road to recovery is ongoing. In addition to the regular breakfast fare, the club will be adding pancakes to the menu. We hope to have a large crowd to support Britt.

by Karen Brawley

Join us for a shamrockin' good time, Friday, March 14th at the Sydenham Legion. St Paddy's Day Karaoke downstairs. $5 at the door. Green beer and good times to be had. Festive attire encouraged. 7-11pm. Good times, good fun and memories made. Drop in darts upstairs that night as well.

Let's grow together... Seeds to start indoors in Ontario this March:

March is the ideal time to start slower-growing varieties indoors in Ontario! Giving seeds an early start ensures strong, healthy plants that will be ready to thrive when it’s time to transplant outdoors. Here’s what to focus on this month:

Vegetables – tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and onions take longer to germinate and mature, so they need a head start. Brassicas like broccoli and cauliflower also benefit from early indoor seeding to be ready for the garden by spring. Herbs – slow-growing herbs such as rosemary and thyme do best when started early. Basil can also be sown indoors now for a jumpstart on the season.

March came in like a lamb... Be sure to check your sump pumps after the soggy weather... Lots of snow to melt.

Join us for Euchre at the Grace Centre! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to learn, come join us for a fun afternoon of cards March 13th, 27th from 1 – 3pm. Location: The Grace Center, 4295 Stage Coach Rd, Sydenham ON For more information or to register, contact Natalee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-376-6477 ext. 310.

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Debbie Lingen

Enjoy breakfast at the Verona Lions Club on Saturday, March 8 from 8:30 to 11am. By donation. All  proceeds are for South Frontenac Fire and Rescue.

Quinte Youth Unlimited Presenting Pilgrims Progress on Sunday, March 9 at 10am at Verona Free Methodist Church.

Youth & Family Night Activities, Meal & Movie - All Free on  Wednesday, Mar. 12th. @ Verona FMC. Please RSVP by Tues., Mar. 11th for the number in your group. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the church @ 613-374-1232 Location Verona Free Methodist Church.

Trinity Quilters (Verona) is  held the first and third Wednesday of every month from 9am to 12pm at the Verona Trinity United Church. Work on individual or group projects. All welcome (minimal fee to cover church rental).

Bellrock & Petworth Mill Park Concept Meeting will be held on Sunday March 9,  6pm at the Verona Lions Club.

Women's Social will be held Tuesday, March 18th @ 6pm at VFMC. A free light meal provided and donations are welcomed. More details to come
Register by Mar 15th, please call 613-374-3709  Location Verona Free Methodist Church

To celebrate 15 years in business, Nicoles Gifts on Main Street are offering a special discount every month. During March, save 15% on their items in their O'Canada Collection-from locally made goods and made in Canada products, to items that help celebrate Canada. Congratulations on 15 incredible years!

Registration for  Day Camp will open at 10am on March 24. Swim Lesson registration will open at 10am on April 28.  To view the dates, rates and locations of the Summer 2025 Programs, please review the Day Camps and Swim Lessons page on the South Frontenac Township website.

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