Wilma Kenny | Sep 13, 2012
Treasury Department Information
Treasurer Louise Fragnito noted that the recently renewed township insurance covers buildings, machinery and vehicles, liability for township and council, and accident insurance for volunteers. However, the township has no insurance for its 48 bridges and large culverts, which are valued at almost $7 million. Fragnito noted that recent damage to a single bridge is costing the township $100,000. Council agreed that insurance coverage of bridges, for a premium of $13,421/year, is a good idea.
Fragnito presented a draft of a reserve policy, developed by the corporate services committee, which organizes the township reserves into four categories and sets target values and criteria for the use of reserves and reserve funds. The primary objectives of reserves are to safeguard and maximize existing assets, finance new capital assets, ensure stable and predictable levies, and provide for operating emergencies. Presently, South Frontenac has almost $14 million in reserves, all of which can now be listed on two pages.
MPAC is Coming Next Week
Throughout this last spring and summer, MPAC has been preparing new assessment information, which comes into force for the 2013 – 2016 tax years. The updated assessments for South Frontenac property owners are due to be mailed out September 13.
Township Zoning By-law to be Updated
Planner Lindsay Mills presented a proposed ‘housekeeping by-law” to update the zoning maps and correct small errors and omissions that have been noted over the past seven years. Mills noted that in order to bring the by-law into conformity with the intent of the Official Plan, zoning had to be applied to all lakes and waterbodies to prohibit floating boathouses and house boats. Council recommended the terminology in the Recreational Resort Commercial zone needed to be made more consistent.
SHS Addition
Mills reported that the Limestone School Board is still planning to build an addition to Sydenham High School, which will include a theatre, gym, computer lab and food services classroom.
Public Open Houses re Waste Disposal Sites: Portland and Bedford
Council received detailed reports of the comments from these two well-attended meetings, which were held in August. Both seem to have provided excellent opportunities for improved communication between residents and township staff.
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