Wilma Kenny | Sep 16, 2020
Mayor Vandewal announced that due to internet problems, this meeting was not available to the public in real time; however, the full transcript will be available on the Township’s website.
Public Meeting
A public meeting was held to receive comments on the pending rezoning of a Loughborough Lake half acre waterfront lot from Limited service residential waterfront to waterfront residential in order to replace the existing cottage with a twostorey permanent residence, new septic bed and detached garage. The proposed dwelling will be set back more than 3 metres further from the high water mark than the current cottage. There have been no objections from the Conservation Authority or Public Health, and there were no comments from the public.
Deputy Mayor Sutherland said the proposal was an improvement on what was currently there; Mayor Vandewal asked whether there was any need for an environmental study or a revegetation strategy, and Councillor Sleeth asked about shoreline revegetation. Development Director Dodds said there was nothing in the way of endangered species habitat or wetland to trigger an environmental study, and noted that any requirements for shoreline planting, etc would be most appropriately addressed in the site plan, which would follow a rezoning.
Owner Clayton Potts spoke, thanking the planning staff for their help, and saying that he and his wife had a garden and had already started planting trees: most of the property had been an open field, when they bought it.
Council directed staff to prepare the rezoning by-law.
Unopened Road Allowance
Council was asked to consider a request to close an unopened piece of road allowance in order to enlarge an adjacent property with a very steep shoreline and provide water access. There was general agreement that the road allowance in question, which crosses part of a peninsula on Buck Bay, Bob’s Lake, was of no use as public access; over the years, scraps of it have been cut off as lot attachments. However, as Sutherland pointed out, some of the other neighbouring properties might be also using the road allowance as water access, so the wording was changed from ‘to consider closing and transfer’ to “explore closing and transfer,” ie the neighbours will be consulted.
Hinchinbrooke Road Realignment: Speedway or Safer Road?
Mark Segsworth, Director of Public Works, brought a proposal for acquiring and trading bits of property along Hinchinbrooke Road in order to allow for a widened platform and less aggressive corners that adhere to minimum standards. This is part of the two-year budgeted plan to reconstruct the road south from Desert Lake, with the pole relocations and property acquisitions being completed in 2020. Total project cost is expected to be $846,000, with $440,000 budgeted for this year, to include project design, pole re-locations, property acquisition and some preliminary construction.
Councillor Sutherland questioned the realignment, arguing that straightening the road would encourage speeding. Segsworth said it would not be serving the public to leave hazardous areas: his goal was to make the road as safe as possible; “Speed is something else.” Councillor Revill agreed, saying “The new sight lines will make the road safer; speeding is a separate issue.”
Johnston Point Condominium Agreement
Draft plan approval has been extended by the County until January 29, 2021 for Johnston Point. The condominium agreement will need to be entered into by Council and signed by the 2 owners in advance of January 29, 2021 in order to fulfill conditions of draft plan approval. Director of Development Services, Claire Dodds, brought Council an update on this long-outstanding situation: the township has been working with one of the two property owners, Magenta Waterfront Condominium Corporation (MWDC) in the preparation and review of the condo agreement, and has arrived at a document which MWDC has indicated they are prepared to sign. However, there has been no contact with the other owner, 1324789 Ontario.
The intent has been to bring the condo agreement to the Oct 6 Council meeting for final approval, so it can be forwarded to the County. However, Council says that it is first up to the two co-owners to come together with their own agreement, before Council can sign off.
Pickleball Invaders?
Councillor Sleeth said he was concerned about reports that a lot of Kingstonians were coming out to use South Frontenac’s pickleball courts. “Perhaps it’s an indication of the good condition of our courts,” said Segsworth. CAO Carbone commented that perhaps it was good that the city was coming to recognize the investments the township has made. Both agreed that there is a booking/registration process, in order to use the courts, and perhaps the Township could consider fees for non-residents. Councillor Absence In accordance with the Municipal Act, Council agreed to extend Councillor Barr’s absence (due to illness) with pay until December 31, 2020. Barr briefly attended this week’s meeting online.
Apologies for any confusion resulting from my erroneous comment two weeks ago: the waste collection information and bag tags came with the Interim Tax Bill, not the final one.
Township Yard Sale
Saturday September 19, from 8-12 at the Township Offices Donations accepted Thursday and Friday All proceeds to the local food bank.
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