Feb 13, 2025
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrook
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Snow Road
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
March 29th – Arden Legion #334 General Members Meeting at 11am. Arden Legion is at 5967 Arden Road.
April 26th – Ham Dinner at Arden legion @ 5pm. Tickets are $15 available at The Legion. Includes; Ham, mashed potatoes, scallop potatoes, gravy, buttered carrots, caraway cabbage and rolls. Of course, Pie for dessert.
by Chris Pantrey
What time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn!
Don't forget the clocks "spring ahead" on Sunday, March 9th.
March certainly came in like a lamb last Saturday. Will we hear the lion roar at the end of the month? I hope not!
John P from Battersea celebrates a milestone on March 9th! Happy birthday, Hunny!
Transition Storrington presents, The Power of Permaculture, on Saturday, March 8th from 1-3 at the Storrington Centre on 3910 Battersea Rd. Permaculture is a harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. It is based on 3 ethics: Take care of the earth; take care of the people; and return of surplus! Presenter Bob Chambers has been a permaculture designer for 10 years and has designed 3 projects in the region including his own at Edible Forest Farm in Inverary. $5 suggested donation. Refreshments provided.
March break seems early this year, with students off next week. There is public skating at Frontenac Arena Tuesday to Friday. Check out the South Frontenac Township website for times and details. Everyone enjoy their week!
Line dancing at 7pm on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall. Cost is $5. Just show up and join the fun!
Open mic! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
News from Diana Cassidy-Bush “I’m very excited to share with you that I’ve just been named a Royal LePage Shelter Foundation Top 5% donor for 2024! I am not sure if any of you know, but I make a donation to the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation each and every time I help a client buy or sell their home. In addition, I also support the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation with your help through the Night Light Walk in Belleville and through various other fundraising activities within Royal LePage. The best part is that Royal LePage Canada covers the administrative costs of our Foundation, allowing 100% of our donations to stay local to help women and children seeking safety and healing from intimate partner violence. Our beloved Royal LePage Shelter Foundation has now raised more than $51 million dollars for women’s shelters from coast to coast, as well as critically important domestic violence prevention programs. Thank you for choosing me as your agent and for helping make home a safe place for everyone.”
“We can't be more proud of Lois Emond as she receives the 2nd highest medal of volunteerism in Ontario: Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship (QEIIOMGC). Lois has dedicated 14 years of her life to build up the Land O’ Lakes Foodbank. She built partnerships, made sure the shelves were always stocked, spent multiple drive hours, along with her husband Jean-Jacques (Red), on weekly basis to bring food staples to the Foodbank, and later on to have some delivered in person to people who could not drive to the Foodbank for collection.” Congratulations Lois!
With spring just around the corner, it is time to get your gardens ready. The Garden Club has an amazing line up of guest speakers! On April 9th – Tauney Stinson will be talking to us about mushrooms and foraging. Her topic is Mushroom Hunters with Loose Morels. Tauney will be telling us all about the mushrooms that grow in our area, which ones are good to eat and how & when to find them. She may also invite us to join her on her foraging expeditions. April 26th – 2nd Annual Pitch in for Mother Earth (PI4ME) day – 9:00am – 1:00pm, at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne. This is day the Land O’ Lakes Garden Club together with their partners the Lions of Land O’ Lakes invites the community to come out and help them clean up the litter that has accumulated on our roadsides and ditches. We will be posting up to date information on our Facebook and Website pages, so please check this out. At the end of the event we will have hot dogs and drinks at the Barrie Hall to thank all for Pitching in for Mother Earth.All meetings with the exception of our AGM are held at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne and start at 6:45pm with speaker starting at 7pm. Everyone is welcome! For further information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To celebrate the arrival of spring, North Frontenac Historical Society & Archives are inviting the public to Clar-Mill Hall Plevna on Sat. March 29th (1pm start). Whether you like Rock & Roll, Country, Bluegrass or Gospel music, you will hear them all as The White Family Classic Country and Stephen Goodberry, accompanied by, Debra Currier entertain. Tickets are $15 each and on sale now electronically at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phoning (613) 479-0586 and (613) 479-5549.
The Flinton Rec Club is pleased to invite you to participate in the new Flinton Seniors' Club; Connecting, Engaging, and Thriving Together which will meet WEEKLY on Wednesday's starting March 26th from 2pm to 4pm at the Flinton Hall (Lower level). Whether you are looking to make new friends, stay active, or learn something new, there is something for everyone.
Please mark your calendars and spread the word about the 2nd Summer Spectacular Outdoor Market Fundraiser at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Flinton! Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2025 Time: 10am - 2pm**VENDORS NEEDED!**If you're interested in being a vendor or have any questions,
Please contact Maude at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 905-449-2160 for your vendor package. Thank you!
The Catch the Ace continues at the Northbrook Lions, this week’s Estimated Jackpot is $9200.00! Continue the fun by joining the Lions on Saturday March 29th for Casino Night. The doors open at 6:30 and the games start at 7. The tickets are $20 which will provide you with “play money” to enjoy a variety of games. The games end at 9:30 when a light lunch will be served and you may win prizes, not cash. The bar will be open during the evening. Mark your calendars for the upcoming Lions “Spring Extravaganza” on Saturday April 19th 10-2. Come out and support our local merchants and artisans. The Canteen will be open for lunch.
Gail Fritsch
The Denbigh Recreation Committee invites you to have brunch with the Easter Bunny and annual Easter Egg Hunt. Saturday, April 19 from 11am until 1pm at the Denbigh Hall 222 Hwy 28 in Denbigh, ON. There will games, crafts, photo booth and an egg hunt with prizes. Free pancakes, sausages and refreshments will be provided.
The Vennachar Free Methodist Church is starting a 13 week grief recovery support group. The Griefshare program provides hope and healing after the death of a loved one. Register with Pastor Laurie at 613-479-2673 or Debbie Emery at613-479-8057.
Anything for Alzheimer’s sponsored by Wellness group of Denbigh and Rosie’s Café. Saturday, April 5 from 10am until 12pm at the Denbigh Hall 222 Hwy 28 Denbigh, ON. Speakers for this event will be Betty Bass and Erin McBride. Light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Pam Lemke This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 613-827-6700
Mattawatchan Hall is hosting Pancake Breakfast with eggs, sausages, baked beans, fruit and local syrup. (gluten free is available) Saturday, April 19 from 10am until 12pm at 1677 Frontenac Road Matawatchan. Adults $10 Youth 6-16 $5 and under 6 is free.
Please let me know if you have any news or a special celebration you would like to share.
Kelli McRobert
Happy 80th to Glen McNichol, our friend and neighbour. There was a great at the Cover over the weekend, and the place was packed with family and well-wishers.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
BC Knitters took $100.00 over to the Food Bank. That will be the end of the sale of "Warm Things" until the "Christmas in July" sale at Sydenham Foodland. Dishcloths are now for sale at the pharmacies in Harrowsmith and Sydenham. Thanks to everyone for supporting our community.
Maple syrup New Leaf Link fundraiser is on again this year! Prices for 1L - $22, for 2L - $38, for 4L - $70. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to order. Order by April 13th and pick up on April 19th at a location near you. Thanks for your support!
The Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith has been booked for all of March. There will be no public events such as the youth dances, Ole Tyme Fiddlers or monthly dinners.
March 22, 2025 there will be a Pancake Breakfast from 8:30am to 11am at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church, intersection of 8 White Lake Rd. and Rd. # 38 north of Godfrey. Admittance is by donation and proceeds going to Parham Fair Society. Breakfast includes: plain pancakes, blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, homemade muffins, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, coffee, tea, and to top it off "Maple Syrup".
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 there is a Painting Workshop at the Grace Center, Sydenham 4295 Stagecoach Road. The theme is Easter Eggs. Bring an apron, paper towels and a sense of fun! Everything else is provided. Beginners to experienced (55+) donation $5.00. Please register a few days in advance with Natalee at the South Frontenac Community Services, 613-376-6477, Ext 310.
Sunday, April 6, 2025, from 12 to 130pm, hop along to a FREE Children's Easter Party with games, prizes, food and fun hosted by the Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club at 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith, Ontario. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Facebook: Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club.
Jean Brown
Folks are tapping merrily away and putting in the tremendous effort of boiling down to make the yummy maple syrup and products.
We’ve experienced many deaths in the last while so offer sympathy to the families of these departed folks- Pam Zolcer, Boyd Tryan, Reg Thibeault Sr and Junior, Edward Shorts.
This coming Saturday, March 22 our Harlowe folks host a musical shin dig and open mic from 1- 5 and it’s always a hoot. Glad to hear that our bango player Jim Dix is feeling improved and rocking on along with the Harlowe gang.
We’re excited about the community singalong this coming Sun. March 23 at 2pm at Arden United Church which is actually more than just a sing along!! It features beautiful voices and guitar performed live by musicians from Perth sharing songs by Joni Mitchell, Simon & Garfunkel, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, The Band and more. They will also lead singalongs on songs by 60’s singers such as Ian & Sylvia Tyson, Van Morrison, John Denver, Elvis and the Everly Brothers. After a long snowy winter this will be a refreshing reprieve,and one that will get us “all shook up”. Free will offering, and also coffee and tea social follows.
by Judy Borovskis
Congratulations! to Larry Magee and Bill Cribbes, members of Kingston Woodturners. This group was featured in the Kingston Whig last Thursday recognizing its support of cancer patients at KGH.. Kingston Woodturners make and donate the beautiful wooden wig stands for cancer patients at KGH.. Each month Bill & Larry also volunteer for Bob’s Breakfast Buffet. Both help with the Friday set-up and Larry is there Saturday morning cracking the eggs for scrambling – that is over 15 flats of eggs! Thank you for sharing your talents and time! ,
Learn Self-Defence! at Inverary United Church Hall on Thursday March 20. Class is from 630-745pm. To register or for info call 613 328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Proceeds in support of the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre.
Youth Dance! Grades 5 to 8 at Storrington Lion’s hall from 6:30 to 9:30 on Friday March 21st. Hosting school is Storrington Public School. Adult supervision. Cost is $5 per person.
Sale this Saturday at Inverary Church Hall from 10 – 3. Bargains galore! Over twenty tables of garage sale/flea market items, crafts, gently used clothing, household items and the list goes on! Come take a look – great buys! Hope I see you there!
Fill the Bin! on March 23rd. Calling all pop cans, as well as alcohol beverage containers. Storrington Lions Club thanks ANS Scrap Metal and Environmentall Contracting Services for their support. Funds raised are for the Lions Foundation of Canada Service Dogs program.
Pancake Dinner by Perth Road Public School Council on Tuesday, March 25th at Inverary United Church Hall from 5 to 7pm. Pancakes, sausage, baked goods, tea, coffee & juice. Adults $8, 12 and under $5 and 2yrs and under free. Proceeds in support of classroom needs and Grade 8 Graduation.
Chili & Euchre! Sunday March 30th from 2 to 5pm. No partner necessary. Cost is $15.00.
Bob’s Breakfast Buffet next Breakfast is April 5th from 7 to 10am! Enjoy scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes with local maple syrup for $10 per adult. Children 12 to 5 $5 under 5 free. The first Saturday of every month except July & August!
Fish Fry! Good Friday – April 18th at the Storrington Lions Hall. Your complete meal for $20. Serving from 5 to 7. Children 12 and under $15.
Sale in the Park! May 3rd from 10 -3 at Gerald Ball Memorial Park. Still a few spots left – call Marie at 613-449-4744.
High Tea! at thSpringe Storrington Lion’s Hall on Saturday, May 10th! 100 tickets are sold!– call Shirley at 613-353-2257. Tickets $25.
Line Dancing Lessons at 7pm on Monday nights at the Storrington Lions Hall. Cost is $5.00. Just show up and join the fun!
Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30pm. Four handed euchre. Cost is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.
Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6pm. at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open Mic ! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.00.
Pickleball Courts and Hall Rentals available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
De-Throne Winter and Ring in Spring with a Second to Naan - Butter Chicken Diner's Club! Join us for Tay Valley's Diner's Club - FREE Butter Chicken (mild), Basmati Rice, Green Salad & Naan Bread! Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Road on March 20th, 2025 from 11:30am - 1pm. Call the Municipal Office 613-267-5353 ext.110 to register! Limited space available so be sure to register right away. Music by Peter Brown - Lanark-based jazz and blues pianist/singer Peter has performed at the Ottawa jazz festival nine years running. Funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre.
Perth and District Historical Society - News Release – March 20, 2025 Meeting – Topic - Canadian, eh? Time: 7:30pm - Place: Perth Legion Hall.
Since the issues which generated the topic for our meeting originally planned for February 20 continues to plague Canada, our meeting for March 20, 2025, will carry on with the same theme. That is, we will take a brief look at our shared border and historic relationship with the United States of America. This relationship along with settling the various border disputes over the centuries has been intertwined with periods of reciprocal trade and shared interests and goals. Along the way, communities like that of Perth and area were founded and prospered. And so, this March meeting will endeavour taking a brief look at the history of the some of those issues from which "Our Canada" evolved and our boundaries were established.
The present period is not the first time that the United States of America has coveted the northern part of the North American continent with a desire to own all. While not the only reason for US action against Britain in 1812 when American forces invaded the British colonies, it is the principal example of their intent of taking control of British North America. The result was the bloody conflict of the War of 1812 to 1814. At the end, British North America stayed intact and the Americans retreated to their own lands.
That action produced settlements near the border with residents loyal to the Crown - “Military Settlements” which included the Town of Perth among other areas. In fact, some border points are still unresolved. For the evening and in honour of the topic, we suggest you show your Canadianism with pride. The Perth and District Historical Society is dedicated to learning about and popularising our history and is a forum for discussion and celebration of our area’s rich culture and heritage. The meetings are held the third Thursday of the month and are open to the public, at 7:30pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, Perth-Upon-Tay, Branch 244, home of the Hall of Remembrance, 26 Beckwith St. E. in Perth.
The usual “Toonie Fee” applies for each meeting. For information, contact Ellen Dean at 613-264-8362. Our website at www.perthhs.org has additional information about us and items of interest related to Perth and district. Article submitted by the Perth and District Historical Society.
Perth & District Union Public Library Social Club, for neuro-divergent young people ages 16 to 30, will be running Fridays, 2:30-4:30pm, from March 21st - April 25th (with a break for Good Friday) at the Perth & District Library (30 Herriott St Perth ON).
This is a club for those who want to make friends while having fun and learning new things. Each week we schedule an activity while making time for socializing. We have a variety of activities planned, such as improv, music, board games, crafts, movies, story writing, hobby sharing, conversation, journaling, painting, pottery, film-making, movement, community events, and more. We define neurodiversity broadly to include people on the spectrum and those with learning impairments of all types. This includes developmental delays and more. These often go hand in hand and people may have overlapping diagnoses.
One can participate calmly in a small group, either independently or with the help of their support person who is also welcome. One-on-one support is not provided. Our club is peanut, tree nut, and sesame-free. Masks are optional but encouraged. Please contact Emily at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. There is no registration fee. There may occasionally be a material fee when we do a special craft.
Need Help Filing your Income Tax? ConnectWell Income Tax Program is FREE! Tay Valley Township is happy to support ConnectWell Community Health and their FREE Income Tax Returns Program. PHONE and IN-PERSON APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE for families and persons with a modest income. Call 613-257-7121 ext. 3105 for more information. An IN-PERSON CLINIC will be available on April 8th at The Maberly Community Hall at 1-3:30pm. No appointments needed.
Special Event at ABC Hall - Trivia Night with a Chili Dinner, Saturday, April 5th starting at 5:45pm. Trivia only $15 OR trivia with dinner $30. For more info please go to the ABC Hall website www.abchall.ca
CPHC Exercise Class for Seniors at ABC Hall – MONDAYs - When: 9:30 – 10:30am - ALL LEVELS are welcome! This is a FREE class. Bring indoor running shoes and comfortable clothing, and bring a water bottle. Call Margaret at (613) 273-9244 for more information.
by Leane Bailey
If you are new to the community, or have never been to the Ompah Community Centre, please consider joining with us. We are always looking for new ideas, and suggestions of ways that we can provide fun family activities at the Centre. Some of the events that are taking place this year include: Ompah Snow Stomp, Canada Day Picnic, Corn Roast, Music Night, Bicycle Safety Day, Monthly Potlucks, Weekly Coffee Groups, Fitness groups, and more. Annual Membership is only $1.
A great time was had by all who attended The Ompah Snow Stomp (Outdoor Dance) on Saturday. Even the rain didn’t stop the dancers. Thank you to Meridith for leading the dances, and to Liz and Marily for organizing this fun event.
Sat. March 29th starting at 1pm there will be musical performances at Clar-Mill Hall Plevna, hosted by NFHSA. Spring will be here and it's time to come out and enjoy a great social time. Entertainers will be Steven Goodberry and partner Debra Currier who are familiar with the area as Steven grew up in Wagarville/Parham. Some may know that he has a great collection of Elvis and Roy Orbitson songs that you will enjoy. He is the "Elvis" entertainer that the late Pearl Killingbeck favoured. Well known to the area are The White Family. You will be toe-tappin' and singing along with their country, bluegrass and rock n' roll songs. Tickets are $15 each available online at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or from local Committee members such as Betty Kelford (613) 479-5537.
The April 2nd Ompah Community Café will present information about the Mobile Crisis Unit – Learn about community supports for those in crisis from OPP Constable Robert Martell and the Mobile Crisis Team. 11am to 1:30pm. Contact email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Ompah Community Cupboard fridge in the foyer of the Community Centre has many types of canned goods, carrots and apples. The Ompah Community Centre Association is purchasing milk, bread, fruit and veggies to add to the offerings. Feel free to come and take what you can use or drop off what you have to spare. The use of the cupboard is intended for everyone in the community.
Please join us for coffee on Wednesday mornings at 10am, it’s a fun way to meet your Ompah neighbours. While you are there, drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to 12noon. Our library has a wide selection of books, DVDs, and other items. We also have some free books, and puzzles available inside the Hall entrance.
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Nice to see all the snow disappear overnight!
Noticed the pussy willows are peeking through, robins are back and geese are flying high.
Hope all enjoyed their "March Break".
Maple season has begun with the nice weather folks have geared up in this area. Hope it's a great season.
Baseball season plans are being made with sign up for the 3 pitch league. If you missed the in person registration on Sunday be sure to reach out to Bob Teal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get your form. Everyone must fill out and sign the waiver form as well as paying the $30 entry fee before being allowed to play.
Minor ball registration is in full force with all registrations needing to be completed online at www.fcmsa.ca - if you are wanting to join the Junior Men's team you can do that at the same location but need to click on "Adult League" to register in the same place.
Thanks to all who supported the Ham Supper at the United Church on Saturday. Congregation enjoyed Kathy Lowery-King and granddaughter Katie singing a beautiful rendition of "How Great Thou Art" at the Sunday Service.
Don't forget the Fundraiser Breakfast to be held at the Cole Lake Free Methodist Church 8 White Lake Road in Godfrey with donations to be raised for the Parham Fair on Saturday, March 22.
Everyone is invited to come out to wish Bill Lee a happy 80th birthday at the CE Building (1035 Wagarville Road) in Parham from 1 to 4pm on Saturday, March 22nd.
Mark down Saturday, March 29th from 10 to 2 to come out to the OSO Township Hall to support local vendors.
Remember to come out every Friday evening to the OSO Hall to play some Bingo and try your luck at winning!
The next all you can eat breakfast for the Lion's Club is Saturday, April 5th so be sure to mark that down!
April 5th is also the 85th Birthday Celebration for Doris Campsall - more details provided next week.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.
Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with March Birthdays or Anniversaries.
Tuesday Lunches weekly at 12 noon. Enjoy home-made fare including a choice of two heart-warming soups, and a variety of sandwiches and delicious deserts. Come early for Euchre.
Upcoming: NEW: COMMUNITY MARKET to open bi-weekly, beginning Saturday, March 29th, 9am to 2pm. For vendor inquiries/details call Jane at 613-353-7818.
Maple Syrup Festival with breakfast of Sausage, pancakes, maple syrup + strawberries, coffee or tea. Children’s games, face painting, tattoos, sucker pole, and fish pond. Learn how to Juggle, plus other juggling activities. Visit the famous Votary Sugar House and see how Maple Syrup is made. Also Home Baking + Raffles + Syrup for sale at the Sunday School Hall. Date and time; Sat. Apr. 5. 8:30am – 2pm. Cost; Adults $12, Children $5, 3 years and under eat free.
For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
NFHSA is announcing a musical afternoon at Plevna Clar-Mill Hall, on SAT. MARCH 29 (1pm start). The group invites you to enjoy a concert to celebrate the end of winter. Featured musicians will be Steve Goodberry and Debra Currier and the White Brothers Classic Country. Tickets are $15 each with proceeds to support NFHSA projects. Paper tickets are available from many committee members such as Heather (613 479-5549) or Brenda (613 479-0586). Electronic tickets are also available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
River of Life Christian Fellowship at 7064 Road 506 invite you to enjoy the musical stylings of New Journey in concert on Sun March 30 at 10:30am. For more information you can call 613 479-0059.
Easter will be here before we know it and that means that members of St. Kilian's Church are busy preparing for an Egg-citing event for the whole family on Saturday, April 19th (11am) at the Clar-Mill Hall. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt along with crafts and other fun for the little ones. Everyone in the community is welcome to stop by and check out the pies, tarts and other sweet treats at their Bake Sale and stay for a chili, hot dog and soup luncheon while you are there.
If there are any students in need of volunteer hours and interested in helping with this fun event, please contact Jeanne at 613-479-0070.
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
The Parham Fair Society is hosting a special fundraising Pancake Breakfast THIS SATURDAY (March 22) at Cole Lake Free Methodist Church, from 8:30am to 11am. Admittance is by donation and all proceeds to go to Parham Fair Society. Breakfast includes: 3 kinds of pancakes, homemade muffins, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, coffee, tea and to top it off "MAPLE SYRUP". It’s worth the drive and it will support a worthy Central Frontenac cause.
You may have observed notices recently regarding Friday Night Bingo at Soldiers Memorial All (OSO Hall). As with all Bingo events, the proceeds go to charity. Did you know that the charitable organization that operates the Sharbot Lake weekly bingo is the Aabitawehii Indigenous Consultancy and Advisory Association? In addition to Friday Night Bingo, this organization also hosts 4 vendor fairs each year, also at OSO Hall. The next vendor fair, (with 20 local vendors and artisans) will be held on March 29, from 10am-2pm.
As mentioned last week, there will be a drop in games afternoon this Saturday, March 22, hosted by the Central Frontenac Rec Committee and PickleBall Group (1-4pm at Soldiers Memorial Hall). $10 to enjoy canteen and to play progressive euchre, crokinole, backgammon, crib.
The Book Club is one of the opportunities provided through the Community Centre. Books are provided through the Kingston Frontenac Public Library system. If you like to read, please consider joining us the second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm. The current book is available at the Community Centre.
A good crowd attended the Social Dinner on March 12th where we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. It was lovely to welcome some March break visitors from the Ardoch Road.
We are happy to report Jim Dix is home from hospital.
A number of people from the community attended the Celebration of Life for the late Stanley Snow on Saturday in Perth. His sister, Harriet Riddell of Robertsville appreciates the show of support and sharing of memories from her family, friends and neighbours.
Although the mild weather has forced the closure of most snowmobile trails across the region, it has brought on the maple syrup season. Many of our local producers are busy. This area has a variety of sugar-making operations where you can witness the dripping from taps into buckets where the sap is gathered by hand then boiled in a wood-burning evaporator or watch the sap streaming through colored lines to huge storage vats and converted to sweet syrup in large reverse osmosis equipment fired by oil or propane.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Jewel Darby performance at the Community Centre at 7pm. on Thursday, March 27th (contact Mike at 613-278-5183 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and for the afternoon of music at the Clar-Mill hall in Plevna on Saturday, March 29th starting at 1pm. (For tickets, contact Kathy at 613-479-5583 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
News from Snow Road Snowmobile Club: The fundraising breakfast for the Alzheimers Society is this Saturday, 22nd March. Have you tried the “Forget-Me-Not” coffee specially made by North Roast Coffee Roastery in Kingston for the KFLA Alzheimer Society. You will be able to purchase some at the clubhouse on Saturday. It is available in ground or beans at $20 per 1-lb bag and $5 goes directly to Alzheimers Society. A good deal! Proceeds from the breakfast will be shared between the Alzheimer Societies of Lanark and Frontenac Counties.
Birthday greetings go out to all our March babies with a special mention to Elaine DeLisle who celebrated a milestone birthday on March 15th.
by Karen Brawley
Join us for a shamrockin' good time, Friday, March 14th at the Sydenham Legion. St Paddy's Day Karaoke downstairs. $5 at the door. Green beer and good times to be had. Festive attire encouraged. 7-11pm. Good times, good fun and memories made. Drop in darts upstairs that night as well.
Let's grow together... Seeds to start indoors in Ontario this March:
March is the ideal time to start slower-growing varieties indoors in Ontario! Giving seeds an early start ensures strong, healthy plants that will be ready to thrive when it’s time to transplant outdoors. Here’s what to focus on this month:
Vegetables – tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and onions take longer to germinate and mature, so they need a head start. Brassicas like broccoli and cauliflower also benefit from early indoor seeding to be ready for the garden by spring. Herbs – slow-growing herbs such as rosemary and thyme do best when started early. Basil can also be sown indoors now for a jumpstart on the season.
March came in like a lamb... Be sure to check your sump pumps after the soggy weather... Lots of snow to melt.
Join us for Euchre at the Grace Centre! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to learn, come join us for a fun afternoon of cards March 13th, 27th from 1 – 3pm. Location: The Grace Center, 4295 Stage Coach Rd, Sydenham ON For more information or to register, contact Natalee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-376-6477 ext. 310.
Debbie Lingen
Spring Craft Sale hosted by Linda and Don's Back Yard Gardens on Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22 from 9am to 4pm. 4309 Maple Dr. Verona. Come out and choose your locally made one of a kind items. Parking in the driveway.
FAMILY FUN NIGHT - Adults & Children on Friday, March 21st - 7pm to 9pm. Bring your board games and light snacks. Children under 12 must be with an older sibling or parent/guardian. Verona Free Methodist Church.
Breakfast fundraiser for Parham Fair Society to help recoup funds that were stolen. Breakfast is Saturday, March 22 at Cole Lake Free Methodist Church, 8 White Lake Rd. and Rd. #38, from 8:30am to 11am. Admission is by donation and all proceeds going to the the Parham Fair Society. Pancake breakfast will include plain, blueberry, and chocolate chip pancakes, homemade muffins, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, coffee, tea, and to top if off MAPLE SYRUP.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday, March 22 from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
Registration for Day Camp will open at 10am on March 24. Swim Lesson registration will open at 10am on April 28. To view the dates, rates and locations of the Summer 2025 Programs, please review the Day Camps and Swim Lessons page on the South Frontenac Township website.
A Spring Vendor Market will be held Saturday, March 29 at OSO Hall, Sharbot Lake from 10am to 2pm, with 20 local vendors and artisans. There is a canteen available. This market is sponsored by Aabitawehii Indigenous Consultancy and Advisory Association, a registered not-for-profit organization.
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